During their conversation, Dr. Arroyo and Conan discussed how they had first met. Contrary to what one might expect, they first crossed paths outside the Mayo Clinic. Although Conan initially thought Dr. Arroyo was just a regular person, it turned out that he was, in fact, a doctor. Despite some skepticism from viewers, Dr. Arroyo assured everyone that he did attend medical school, although not in the continental United States.

Conan and Dr. Arroyo also addressed some other concerns that had arisen from their appearance on “Hot Ones.” For instance, there was a moment when Dr. Arroyo placed a stethoscope on Conan’s tongue. While some found it unusual, Dr. Arroyo explained that he was simply checking for any abnormalities or strange sounds. They also clarified a misunderstanding about Dr. Arroyo choking Conan’s neck, which was actually an attempt to take his pulse.

Throughout the interview, Conan playfully poked fun at Dr. Arroyo‘s medical practices and their unconventional meetings. It turns out that Dr. Arroyo prefers to meet with Conan at a restaurant rather than in an office setting. This led to some humorous anecdotes about using the restaurant’s restroom for thorough examinations. Dr. Arroyo also revealed that he prefers to be paid in cash, as it reduces paperwork and keeps his business practices under the radar.

While discussing Conan’s physical condition, Dr. Arroyo reassured the audience that Conan is, in fact, alive. Conan gave Dr. Arroyo full permission to address any concerns about his health, although Dr. Arroyo jokingly credited Conan’s survival to factors unrelated to his medical care.

Towards the end of the segment, Conan delved into some peculiarities of his interactions with Dr. Arroyo. For instance, Dr. Arroyo often prescribes pills that Conan doesn’t believe he needs, only to retrieve them before Conan can take them. This unconventional method keeps Conan from getting addicted to medication. Furthermore, Conan questioned Dr. Arroyo‘s hygiene, as he sometimes shows up with a dirty lab coat. Dr. Arroyo explained that it stems from occasionally having to be more assertive during exams.

In closing, Conan thanked Dr. Arroyo for joining him on the show and jokingly mentioned that he expected to be billed for the appearance. Dr. Arroyo humorously responded by signaling that he had already submitted the bill. This light-hearted banter between Conan and Dr. Arroyo showcased their unique dynamic and left viewers entertained.

Overall, Conan’s post-“Hot Ones” check-up with Dr. Arroyo provided an amusing and lively conversation about their unconventional doctor-patient relationship. The segment allowed Conan to address some curiosities of his fans while also showcasing his comedic wit. With Conan O’Brien‘s talk show and the charmingly eccentric Dr. Arroyo, viewers can always expect a dash of humor and entertainment.