In a recent episode of the popular talk show, Alan Carr: Chatty Man, comedian Eddie Izzard made an appearance and had a lively and engaging conversation with host Alan Carr. The interview covered a range of topics, from Eddie’s incredible marathon running achievements to his thoughts on politics and societal issues.

One of the highlights of the interview was Eddie’s discussion of his monumental feat – running 27 marathons in 27 days for Sport Relief. He expressed his gratitude for the generosity of people donating to the cause, emphasizing that without their support, he would not have been able to raise the remarkable sum of 2.2 million pounds. Eddie also mentioned that a one-hour video documenting his incredible journey will be shown on BBC One, giving viewers the opportunity to contribute even more to the cause.

The conversation then took a more serious turn as Eddie and Alan delved into the topic of politicians and big companies hiding their money in offshore accounts. Eddie expressed his frustration with the lack of transparency and called for more honesty and accountability in politics. He revealed that he has been open about his own political aspirations, stating his intention to run for Member of Parliament in 2020.

As the interview progressed, Eddie Izzard fearlessly discussed his sexuality and gender identity. He addressed the misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding bisexuality and transgenderism, highlighting the importance of acceptance and tolerance. Eddie shared personal stories from his own journey and expressed his belief that people should be allowed to live their authentic lives without fear of discrimination.

The conversation concluded on a lighter note, with Eddie reminiscing about his marathon running and pledging to continue pushing his limits. He even joked about running on a treadmill during the interview, demonstrating his dedication to fitness and humor.

Eddie Izzard‘s interview on Alan Carr: Chatty Man was an entertaining and thought-provoking segment, showcasing his wit, charm, and courage. The episode provided a glimpse into his incredible marathon running achievements, his passion for politics, and his unwavering commitment to advocating for acceptance and equality. This captivating interview is a must-watch for fans of the talk show and anyone interested in engaging conversations with influential celebrities.