In a recent episode of the popular talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” legendary musician Elton John made headlines with his candid and humorous interview. The chat show, hosted by Jonathan Ross, is known for its entertaining and lively discussions with celebrities from various fields.

During the interview, Elton John discussed his new album “Songs on the West Coast” and received congratulations for its success. Ross, ever the witty host, brought up a rather unconventional topic by asking Elton John about his grooming habits below the belt. Ross claimed that he had heard from some band members that they shave their testicles and wondered if the esteemed Sir Elton John indulged in similar practices.

Elton John jovially responded that he doesn’t shave his testicles but instead uses a cream that combines the benefits of shaving and depilatory methods. He described the process, suggesting leaving the cream on for a few minutes before removing it in the shower. The audience erupted in laughter at this unexpected conversation topic.

Their banter took a comedic turn as Ross asked Elton John about his wife’s preference for pubic hair, comparing it to Osama bin Laden’s beard and implying that ZZ Top might find their singing obstructed. Elton John humorously retorted and dismissed the idea of shaving in the sink, making a playful reference to potential clogging issues.

The conversation moved from grooming habits to Elton John‘s past financial troubles. Ross mentioned the rumors that the musician had been paid an exorbitant amount, £1.5 million, for performing at a private function. However, Elton John clarified that the reports were untrue as the actual amount was nowhere near that figure. He shared that in the past, his financial situation had posed challenges, but he had managed to overcome them.

Elton John and Ross further delved into discussions about the changes in Elton John‘s life, including his decision to downsize his lifestyle and sell off properties. Elton John attributed these changes to getting sober and meeting his partner, who he has been with for eight years. He expressed happiness and contentment in his personal life, emphasizing the importance of leaving behind harmful habits.

The interview took a serious turn when the topic of marriage came up. Elton John spoke about the legal complexities faced by same-sex couples in regards to inheritance and the differences between marital and civil partnership benefits. Ross expressed his support for Elton John and promised to look into the issue further.

The lively and entertaining interview on “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” showcased Elton John‘s wit and charisma. The conversation covered an array of topics, from his music to his personal life, providing viewers with an enjoyable and entertaining episode.