During a recent episode of the talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” Hollywood actor Jake Gyllenhaal made an appearance to discuss his latest film and share some interesting insights.

The conversation began with Ross teasing Gyllenhaal about his facial hair, jokingly asking, “what’s going on with the face fuzz Jake?” Gyllenhaal admitted that he was inspired by Ross’ own goatee and decided to grow one himself, but it got out of hand, leading him to shave it off.

Despite the facial hair mishap, Gyllenhaal looked great, as pointed out by Ross. The actor, who had just flown in from Los Angeles, revealed that he swam to the talk show, jokingly adding that he got a little dry on the way and had to don a suit. Ross commended Gyllenhaal’s commitment to the environment, while also mentioning that he recently saw him shirtless in a new movie and commented on his remarkable physical shape.

The conversation then shifted to Gyllenhaal’s career. Ross brought up his breakthrough role in a popular superhero movie, praising his performance and jokingly asking if he was meant to be gay in the film. Gyllenhaal playfully responded, “you could assume whatever you want.”

Ross inquired if the script for the movie had been floating around Hollywood for a long time before Gyllenhaal got the role. The actor confirmed this, stating that it was a career-changing moment for him and that nobody involved in the film anticipated its immense success.

The topic of conversation then turned to Gyllenhaal’s previous experience with Western movies. Ross reminded him of his role in the movie “City Slickers” as a child actor. Gyllenhaal recalled shooting a scene in a classroom and performing a memorable shoulder pop, adding that it was an enjoyable experience.

Ross proceeded to discuss Gyllenhaal’s recent film, “Rendition.” This political thriller sheds light on the controversial practice of extraordinary rendition, where suspects are taken to other countries for interrogation without due process. Gyllenhaal explained that the film examines this policy implemented by the US government, which allows the torture of suspected terrorists on foreign soil.

The conversation then took a lighter turn as Ross asked Gyllenhaal about working with the legendary Meryl Streep in “Rendition.” Although they did not share scenes, Gyllenhaal expressed admiration for Streep and revealed his involvement in a humorous audition for another film she starred in.

The interview concluded with Ross probing Gyllenhaal about his future plans and personal life. The actor revealed that if he hadn’t entered the film industry, he would have loved to become a farmer. As for his relationship status, Gyllenhaal confirmed that he is currently single, much to the delight of the audience and the talk show band.

The episode of “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” featuring Jake Gyllenhaal was a lively and insightful conversation. The actor’s charm and wit shone through as he discussed his career, shared behind-the-scenes anecdotes, and engaged in playful banter with the host.