In a recent episode of the chat show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” actor James McAvoy shared an entertaining anecdote about a mishap on the set of his film “The Last King of Scotland.” The talk show host, Jonathan Ross, praised McAvoy’s performance in the film, to which McAvoy humbly expressed his gratitude.

During the conversation, McAvoy revealed that the production of “The Last King of Scotland” was quite intense, both emotionally and physically. The cast and crew spent four whole days shooting in Uganda, as well as in Scotland and Glasgow. Unfortunately, the scenes shot in Scotland and Glasgow were later cut from the final film. McAvoy mentioned that having Forest Whitaker, who portrayed Idi Amin in the film, as a guest on the show was a wonderful experience. He described Whitaker as a gentleman and a tremendous actor.

When asked about working with Whitaker, McAvoy explained that the actor is a total method actor. He stayed in character and maintained the accent throughout the entire filming process. This posed a unique challenge for McAvoy, as he found it difficult to have conversations with someone who was always in character. However, he enjoyed the experience despite the limitations.

McAvoy spoke about his role in another critically acclaimed film, “Atonement,” which also featured Keira Knightley. He mentioned that the film required him to adopt a specific English accent from a particular period. He delved into the process of creating the accent and the research that went into doing justice to the character. He admitted that accents have become somewhat of a trademark for him, even though he strives to explore various acting styles.

Switching topics, McAvoy spoke about his upcoming film, “Wanted,” which is a departure from his previous roles. He described it as a big action movie for adults, emphasizing that it contains violence and may not be suitable for everyone. He also talked about his physical transformation for the film, working out with a professional kickboxer to look the part of a superhero.

The conversation then took a comedic turn, as Ross jokingly asked McAvoy about his on-screen kiss with Angelina Jolie. McAvoy humbly admitted to being nervous about the scene due to Jolie’s fame and appearance. He joked about her famous lips and her persona as one of the most striking women in the world. McAvoy described the experience of kissing her in the film as a challenging acting task, highlighting the pressure to make it look convincing. He assured the audience that it was just a regular acting job, even though it involved kissing one of the most famous lips on the planet.

Towards the end of the interview, McAvoy discussed the physicality of his role in “Wanted” and the stunts he performed himself. He shared his admiration for his stuntman’s expertise in kicking and expressed his excitement about jumping onto a moving car during the filming process. Ross playfully probed McAvoy about whether he enjoyed that experience, to which he responded with a laugh.

As the interview wrapped up, Ross commended McAvoy for his versatility as an actor and expressed enthusiasm for his future projects. The interview showcased McAvoy’s wit, humility, and ability to charm both on and off the screen. It’s clear that his dedication and talent have earned him a place as a leading figure in the entertainment industry.

Overall, this episode of “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” provided an insightful and lively conversation with James McAvoy, offering glimpses into his experiences on set and his upcoming projects. Fans can look forward to seeing McAvoy in his latest film, “Wanted,” and witness his remarkable talent once again on the big screen.