In a recent appearance on the talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” actress Keira Knightley opened up about her career, her experiences in the film industry, and her latest project, “Atonement.” The interview showcased Knightley’s charm and wit, making for an entertaining and lively conversation.

Jonathan Ross began by complimenting Knightley’s stunning appearance, stating that she has a “movie star face.” Knightley graciously accepted the compliment, acknowledging that she is often recognized for her unique beauty.

The conversation then turned to Knightley’s career and the ups and downs she has faced. Ross brought up the topic of early criticisms she received as an actress, with some describing her performances as “wooden.” Knightley shrugged off the comments, stating that she enjoyed her work on “Bend It Like Beckham” but acknowledged that she tends to overdo things as a performer.

Being in the spotlight has brought its own challenges for Knightley. She revealed that she often encounters paparazzi and fans waiting outside her home, which can be frightening. She shared an anecdote about a car chase with photographers, highlighting the invasive nature of fame.

The interview then shifted to Knightley’s role in the popular “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise. She expressed her initial surprise at the success of the films, as pirate movies were not in vogue at the time. Knightley praised co-star Johnny Depp for his impressive portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow, mentioning that his performance was initially met with skepticism but later proved to be a stroke of genius.

Knightley also discussed the physical challenges of filming the movies, particularly the sword-fighting scenes. She admitted that she was initially frustrated by the lack of sword-fighting in the first film but received more opportunities to showcase her skills in the sequels.

Moving on to her latest film, “Atonement,” Knightley described it as a love story that explores the consequences of a lie. She discussed the emotional depth of the film and the joy of portraying a character in a different time period. Knightley praised the costumes and the overall aesthetic of the film, expressing her love for the era.

During the interview, Knightley spoke about the pressures of body image in the industry. She openly addressed accusations of being anorexic, asserting that it is difficult to navigate the constant scrutiny. Ross commended Knightley for not succumbing to societal pressures and resisting the temptation to alter her appearance.

The interview concluded on a lighthearted note, with Ross jokingly asking Knightley about her comfort level with nudity. Knightley responded with a laugh, expressing her embarrassment and mentioning the presence of paparazzi during intimate scenes in “Atonement.”

Overall, the interview provided a glimpse into the life and career of Keira Knightley. Her candid and down-to-earth personality shone through, making for an engaging and entertaining conversation on “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross.”