Comedian Iain Stirling, best known for his hilarious narration on “Love Island,” recently made an appearance on “The Jonathan Ross Show” where he revealed an interesting and emotional experience he had while headlining “Live At The Apollo” for kids.

Stirling, who is loved by fans for his witty commentary on the hit reality show, shared that performing for children was quite challenging. He humorously described the lineup of acts before him, including juggling fire and a pop star, saying, “I’m the headline act… But that was five pantomime horses and a gospel choir!”

Adding to the comedic situation, the BBC, concerned about the look of a stand-up comedian on stage, didn’t provide Stirling with a microphone. Instead, they gave him a child’s microscope to write on. Stirling walked out to complete silence, with the young audience expecting a different kind of performance.

Feeling the pressure and disappointment, Stirling confessed that he ended up crying after the show. He even shared a funny incident where, while in tears, he saw his own reflection and felt even more upset.

Stirling’s honesty about his emotional response to the gig showcased the vulnerable side behind his funny persona. It’s not often we see comedians openly discuss their struggles and insecurities, making this moment on “The Jonathan Ross Show” all the more intriguing.

Although his experience performing a stand-up routine for children didn’t go as planned, Stirling continues to excel in his career as a comedian. With his unique voiceover work on “Love Island” and a successful tour lined up for next year, Stirling’s fans can look forward to more side-splitting entertainment.

In addition to his adult-focused work, Stirling also balances his comedic talents in the realm of children’s TV. Despite the challenges, Stirling manages to navigate the different audiences while maintaining his distinct style and humor.

As the interview on “The Jonathan Ross Show” wrapped up, Stirling excitedly announced that he will also be performing at a well-known festival. The comedian’s infectious energy and ability to connect with audiences of all ages continue to make him a favorite in the entertainment industry.

Iain Stirling‘s appearance on “The Jonathan Ross Show” not only provided laughs but also insight into the world of comedy and the unique challenges performers face. Whether he’s making adults laugh with his humorous commentary on “Love Island” or entertaining children with his captivating presence on kids TV, Stirling’s talent knows no bounds.

Fans can catch Iain Stirling on “The Jonathan Ross Show” and stay tuned for his upcoming tour and future projects. With his undeniable talent and ability to captivate audiences, there’s no doubt that this comedian will continue to light up screens and stages alike.