The Jonathan Ross Show is known for its candid conversations and hilarious moments, and a recent episode featuring Dame Joan Collins and the late Paul Newman was no exception. The legendary actress revealed that she and Newman once got “completely smashed” during the filming of a movie, thanks to a bottle of cough mixture.

Collins opened up about her remarkable 70-year career in the entertainment industry, which began when she was just 17 years old. Reflecting on her first major role in the movie “Lady Godiva Rides Again,” she shared that she had auditioned alongside two other girls. The competition was intense, as the role promised to launch the winner’s career into stardom. As it turns out, Collins succeeded in winning the part, but not without a bit of shade being thrown by her fellow actresses.

During the interview, Collins mentioned fellow actress Pauline Stroud and Joan Rice, who had also auditioned for the role. The shade she threw at Stroud, even after 70 years, was met with laughter from the audience. It’s clear that Collins has a sense of humor and doesn’t shy away from speaking her mind.

The conversation then took an unexpected turn, as Collins recalled her first stage appearance in a production of “The Doll’s House” in 1946. She drew a comparison between the post-World War II era and the current situation, acknowledging that both periods experienced a sense of relief after a challenging time. She vividly described post-WWII London as a city full of celebration and joy, with people hugging, kissing, and loving each other. It was a time of unity and togetherness that might feel distant in our current circumstances.

The topic then shifted to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the conversation quickly turned lighter. Collins chuckled about trying to get the vaccine and mentioned her fear of needles. It was a moment of lightheartedness amidst the serious topic, showing her relatable side. The conversation then steered toward fears, with Collins admitting that she is also afraid of spiders. It’s a common fear that many people can relate to, but it was amusing to see her vulnerability on display.

As the interview continued, it became clear why Collins is considered a Hollywood icon. The host, Jonathan Ross, brought up her extensive filmography and the incredible leading men she has worked with over the years. From Gregory Peck to Marlon Brando to Warren Beatty, her list is a who’s who of Hollywood’s finest. But it was her mention of Paul Newman that produced a particularly entertaining story.

Collins revealed that she and Newman had once filmed a scene that required them to be drunk. However, the production team refused to give them actual alcohol, opting instead for cough mixture. Determined to make the scene more authentic, the two actors spent the afternoon drinking copious amounts of cough mixture. Much to their surprise, it actually got them “completely smashed.” Collins giggled as she recalled how they were hanging from the chandeliers and falling about as a result. It was a hysterical moment that showcased the chemistry and fun they had on set.

The Jonathan Ross Show never fails to entertain, and this episode was no different. Dame Joan Collins‘s interview, alongside the hilarious tale involving Paul Newman, left the audience in stitches. It’s moments like these that remind us of the joy and escapism that entertainment can provide, even during challenging times.