In a recent episode of The Jonathan Ross Show, Samson Kayo shared an extraordinary story about how he escaped the police with the help of none other than actor Bob Hoskins. The talk show host praised Kayo’s story as one of the most extraordinary he’s heard about people getting into the entertainment business.

Kayo, known for his role in the TV series “Youngers,” recounted the incident from his teenage years when he and his friends would often be stopped and searched by the police in Peckham. Fed up with the constant profiling, they decided to make it difficult for the police. If they were going to be stopped, they would run and challenge the police to catch them.

On one occasion, when Kayo and his friends were stopped, they broke into a sprint, attempting to outrun the police officers. Kayo managed to reach a pub in Peckham called Ben and Roland, where he encountered a man standing outside who kindly invited him in. It was none other than Bob Hoskins.

Hoskins, who happened to be at the pub at that moment, hid Kayo and provided him with a safe haven. Hoskins even pretended to be on the phone to divert any suspicion. One of Kayo’s friends called him during the ordeal, and Kayo mentioned that a small white man had helped him in a pub, unaware of Hoskins’ fame or the fact that he was an actor.

Years later, when Kayo began his acting career, he realized the significance of being helped by the legendary Bob Hoskins. It turned out that Hoskins was filming his movie “Last Orders” at the time. The experience made Kayo wonder if he could have had a chance at acting at such a young age. The sight of cameras in the pub intrigued him, making him contemplate the idea of jumping into the film.

Kayo also discussed his involvement in the community, particularly in the East Village where he grew up. He mentioned Docking Hill Venture Playground, an adventure playground where he spent his time as a child. Kayo emphasized the importance of investing more in adventure playgrounds and youth services to provide a safe place for children in the community, especially with the rise of issues like kids dropping out of school and increased street troubles.

The actor expressed his concern for the current state of affairs and believes that nurturing children in the right direction is essential. He called for more attention and funding for adventure playgrounds and youth services to help guide kids onto the right path.

Kayo’s passion for his local area is evident as he highlights the positive impact adventure playgrounds can have on the community. He urges authorities to pump more resources into these spaces and youth services to combat the decline in youth opportunities, which has resulted in increased troubles on the streets.

In closing, Kayo’s appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show not only showcased his incredible story of escaping the police with the help of Bob Hoskins but also shed light on the importance of investing in youth services and adventure playgrounds to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children in communities.