During a recent appearance on the talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” comedian Russell Howard had the audience in stitches as he shared some hilarious and awkward family stories.

When asked about how he got started in stand-up comedy, Howard revealed that he first took the stage in 1999. At the time, he was only 18 years old and had to sneak out of his family’s house to pursue his passion. Ross, who was clearly impressed with Howard’s youthful looks, mistakenly thought he was around 29. Howard brushed off the comment and jokingly denied getting any cosmetic procedures done.

Known for his appeal to younger audiences, Howard discussed his following and how he is considered an attractive figure. However, he humbly mentioned his lazy eye and prominent teeth, which have subjected him to some good-natured teasing. Howard recalled seeking advice from his dad, who suggested he confront the bullies by highlighting his unique features, such as his wandering eye. The conversation took a light-hearted turn when Howard playfully mentioned that his dad is none other than Sir Francis Drake, though in a humorous twist, he later clarified that his father wasn’t the historical figure but just shared the same name.

In terms of material for his stand-up routines, Howard admitted that his stories often come from his own life experiences. He described himself as “quite good at being awkward,” which gives him plenty of material to work with. One such example that he shared during the show was the time he hid under his brother’s bed as a prank. This resulted in an unexpected encounter when his brother brought a girl home, and a hilarious and cringeworthy exchange followed.

Despite approaching the age of 29, often associated with a more jaded perspective, Howard remains youthful in both appearance and mindset. He explained that he doesn’t have time for cynicism and believes in making the most out of life. In his lighthearted and philosophical take, he compared being depressed to being a slug, emphasizing the absurdity of negativity.

Howard’s appearance on “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” showcased his knack for storytelling and ability to turn everyday situations into comedic gold. His humorous anecdotes elicited laughter from the audience, proving once again why he has such a dedicated fanbase. Whether he’s discussing family mishaps or pondering life’s oddities, Howard’s charm and wit never fail to entertain.