Paul Weller, the iconic musician, made a guest appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show recently, and it was an interview filled with laughs, insights, and of course, talk about music.

Host Jonathan Ross warmly welcomed Paul onto the show, expressing his excitement about having him there. Vicky, a fellow fan, also joined in, gushing about Paul’s talent. Paul seemed humble, jokingly saying that he was just following Jonathan’s lead.

The conversation quickly turned to Paul’s distinctive hairstyle, which has become synonymous with his image. Paul admitted that he didn’t have a clear plan for his hair and simply embraced his anti-style approach. Despite his cool exterior, Paul assured everyone that he is a happy person.

Jonathan playfully compared Paul to Victor Meldru with a sun tag, teasing him about his sometimes serious demeanor. Paul, however, clarified that he is indeed a happy person, and his appearance doesn’t necessarily reflect his true feelings.

Jonathan and Paul’s friendship was evident throughout the interview. They bantered back and forth, sharing a comfortable camaraderie. Jonathan brought up the topic of parenting, mentioning that Paul has eight children. Paul humorously admitted that even he struggles with raising his kids, emphasizing that it’s no easy task.

Aside from being a dedicated family man, Paul also discussed his music career. Jonathan congratulated him on his latest album, “Fat Pop,” which is set to release soon. Paul shared that he feels fortunate to have had a number one album in every decade for the past five decades, although he remains somewhat modest about his achievement.

Paul’s commitment to creating new music and constantly reinventing his style was highlighted during the interview. Jonathan praised Paul for not indulging in nostalgia tours and instead continuing to challenge himself artistically. Paul acknowledged that his style has evolved over the years, attributing it to both conscious decisions and natural progression.

The interview took an exciting turn as Paul discussed his collaboration with his daughter, Leah, on one of the songs from his upcoming album. This marked the first time Paul had worked with one of his children in this capacity. He recounted how they sat around a piano, and Leah contributed the song’s catchy chorus. Paul admitted that he didn’t know she was interested in collaborating until they sat down together.

Jonathan also inquired about Paul’s other children’s interest in music. Paul revealed that all of his children love music, but it’s unclear if any of them will pursue it professionally. The older ones appreciate his older music, while the younger ones enjoy his new material.

The interview wrapped up on a lighthearted note, with Jonathan reminiscing about Paul singing bedtime songs to his kids with a hint of anger, reminiscent of his earlier work in The Jam. Both Jonathan and the audience eagerly anticipated Paul’s upcoming album release on May 14th and expressed their excitement for the future music he will undoubtedly create.

In this engaging and lively interview on The Jonathan Ross Show, Paul Weller showcased his genuine personality, shared amusing anecdotes, and revealed his passion for music. It was a delightful conversation that left fans eagerly awaiting more from this legendary musician.