The Graham Norton Show recently featured an episode that brought together some of the biggest stars from the Star Wars franchise. The guests included Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Gwendoline Christie, who shared some fascinating insights and stories about their experiences on set.

One of the highlights of the show was when Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy, revealed the challenge of keeping the iconic twist about Darth Vader’s true identity a secret. Hamill confessed that during the first film, nobody really cared about the twist, but by the second film, the scrutiny became intense. He was handed a piece of paper with the famous line “I am your father” written on it by the director, and he had to keep the secret for about a year and a half.

Daisy Ridley, who portrayed Rey in the newer Star Wars films, also spoke about the challenge of keeping secrets. She revealed that she told a taxi driver about her casting in the movie when she first got the part, showing how hard it can be to keep such exciting news to oneself.

The talk show also featured a fun interaction between John Boyega and Gwendoline Christie, who play Finn and Captain Phasma, respectively, in the Star Wars films. They discussed their intense fight scenes and the physical challenges of wearing cumbersome stormtrooper suits. Boyega praised Christie’s ferocity during the fights, even though it was challenging to move in the outfits.

The episode also touched on the premiere of the latest Star Wars film, which was attended by the Boyega family. It turns out that Boyega’s parents were more concerned about the food at the premiere than about the glitz and glamour of the event.

The star-studded talk show also gave fans a glimpse into the lives of these actors beyond Star Wars. Daisy Ridley discussed her role in the new King Arthur film and her experience with sword training. Gwendoline Christie delighted the audience with stories of her time on Game of Thrones, highlighting the excitement of being part of two iconic franchises.

Overall, the episode of The Graham Norton Show was a treat for Star Wars fans, offering behind-the-scenes stories and insights from some of the franchise’s beloved stars. It showcased the deep connection that these actors have with their characters and the excitement they bring to their roles.