Aisling Bea, the vivacious and talented comedian, recently appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show, where she candidly discussed her experiences and opinions. One particular topic of conversation that caught everyone’s attention was Aisling’s thoughts on supermodel Jourdan Dunn‘s first Vogue cover.

Jourdan Dunn, known for her stunning beauty and successful modeling career, shared the story of her discovery at a popular clothing store, Primark. Aisling amusingly recalled the day when she and her friends were trying on sunglasses at Primark, completely unaware that they were being observed by a woman. To their surprise, the woman approached them and inquired if they had ever considered modeling. Aisling’s initial response was hesitant, but she soon realized the potential opportunity in front of her. She called her mom in excitement, as a reputable modeling agency had expressed interest in her.

Fast forward to the present, Jourdan Dunn now boasts an impressive number of Vogue covers under her belt. When questioned about her first Vogue cover, she hesitated to reveal much, describing it as a “horrible” experience. Aisling, with her trademark humor, cheekily probed further, asking if Jourdan simply didn’t like the way she looked in the photograph. Jourdan sidestepped the question, choosing instead to express her gratitude for the opportunity, despite not being fond of the final result.

But it’s not all bad news for Jourdan Dunn. She revealed that since then, she has graced the cover of Vogue two more times, and those experiences were much more positive.

Aside from discussing the intricacies of the modeling world, the talk show also delved into Aisling Bea‘s personal life. The Irish comedian, who currently resides in London, shared an anecdote about her 9-year-old son, who is seemingly embarrassed to be seen with her at the school gates. Aisling amusingly recounted her attempts to cling to her son, hoping for one last hug and goodbye, only to be met with his newfound independence. It seems her young son has grown up quicker than she expected and now prefers to navigate the school environment on his own terms.

Not one to shy away from new adventures, Jourdan Dunn is now transitioning from modeling to acting. She was excited to announce her involvement in a TV show titled “Max,” directed by none other than Ot Bangla. Aisling quizzed Jourdan on her feelings about her first day of filming, to which Jourdan admitted to being extremely nervous. Aisling empathized, as she shared her own anxiety-induced stomach troubles on important occasions, much to the amusement of the audience.

The conversation took a comical turn when Aisling shared a hilarious story about a toilet mishap on the set of Vogue. As nerves got the best of her, she desperately sought a bathroom before her shoot. However, she encountered a dilemma as one toilet was already blocked, and the other was in use. The early morning crew found themselves in an awkward predicament, desperately needing to relieve themselves. Aisling’s retelling of the incident had everyone in stitches, proving that her humor knows no bounds.

As The Jonathan Ross Show continues to provide an entertaining platform for guests to share their personal experiences, viewers are left eagerly anticipating the next fascinating interview. With Aisling Bea‘s infectious wit and Jourdan Dunn‘s inspiring journey, this particular episode offered a delightful blend of laughter and insights into the world of fashion and fame.