Norton, ever the excellent host, asked Ayoade to describe his book. Ayoade responded with a self-deprecating joke, stating that it’s not meant to be taken seriously. He wanted to emulate the interviews of legendary filmmakers like Orson Welles or Martin Scorsese, where they discuss their craft and legacy. Ayoade humorously imagined himself in that same position, despite not having achieved the same level of greatness.

However, Ayoade also acknowledged that some people have misconstrued the book as an autobiography. He clarified that it’s actually a collection of film-themed jokes and interview excerpts. The book not only showcases his comedic talents but also includes dramatic scenes, including a speedboat chase.

Throughout the interview, Ayoade maintained his signature dry humor, even when discussing his lack of salesmanship. He amusingly admitted that he isn’t the best at selling anything related to himself, which may not be the ideal situation for promoting his book.

The conversation then shifted to Ayoade’s role in the cult TV show “The IT Crowd,” where he portrayed the character of Moss. Norton shared a photo of a young girl dressed as Moss for Halloween, complete with a checkered shirt, a calculator watch, and a computer. Ayoade responded hilariously, noting that while the costume was cheap, the emotional range of the character may have been a bit exaggerated.

Norton finally delved into the premise of Ayoade’s book, highlighting the unexpected subject matter: a Gwyneth Paltrow film called “View from the Top.” Ayoade emphasized the importance of giving this film the respect it deserves, as it has been overlooked by many. He spent three years delving into the film’s details, intertwining it with anecdotes from his own life and experiences.

Interestingly, the book also touches on Ayoade’s childhood Christmases in Ipswich, where his mother had a unique tradition of cleaning the house thoroughly before presents were handed out. He humorously revealed that his mother’s Norwegian background may have influenced her obsession with cleanliness during the holiday season. Furthermore, he mentioned her penchant for baking biscuits, which turned out to be a peculiar tradition, as biscuits are not typically associated with Christmas.

As the interview wrapped up, Norton praised Ayoade’s book, highlighting its humor and cleverness. Ayoade, ever modest, expressed his gratitude for Norton’s kind words, acknowledging his lack of salesmanship. Overall, the interview showcased Ayoade’s comedic genius and provided viewers with a tantalizing glimpse into his latest project.

The Graham Norton Show continues to deliver lively and entertaining conversations with some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. With each episode, audiences are treated to a unique blend of humor, insights, and behind-the-scenes stories. It’s no wonder why “The Graham Norton Show” remains one of the most popular talk shows on TV, leaving viewers eagerly awaiting the next installment of entertaining banter and celebrity guests.