Benicio Del Toro made a captivating appearance on the talk show “Friday Night with Jonathan Ross” recently, where he discussed his approach to developing characters and shared interesting anecdotes from his personal life.

During the interview, Del Toro revealed that he was born in Puerto Rico and grew up thinking Tom Jones was Elvis Presley. He talked about the influence of his Latin roots and the notion of being a “Latin lover” in Hollywood.

Del Toro also discussed his journey into acting, which initially met with skepticism from his family, who thought it was just a passing phase. However, he drew parallels between acting and being a lawyer, emphasizing the importance of convincing people in both professions.

The conversation then turned to his portrayal of the revolutionary Che Guevara in the film “Shay.” Del Toro talked about the challenges of making a movie about such a controversial historical figure and the reactions it garnered around the world.

Del Toro also discussed another film he recently completed, a remake of “The Wolf Man.” He humorously addressed his hairy appearance in the film and the transformation scenes viewers can expect.

Throughout the interview, Del Toro’s charm and charisma were evident, and he left a lasting impression on both the audience and the host, Jonathan Ross. Ross praised Del Toro’s performances in films like “The Usual Suspects” and expressed his admiration for the actor’s commitment to his craft.

Overall, Del Toro’s appearance on “Friday Night with Jonathan Ross” was a lively and engaging discussion that showcased his talent and provided fascinating insights into his life and career. Whether discussing character development or sharing personal anecdotes, Del Toro’s presence made for a memorable interview. Fans of the actor and the talk show alike will undoubtedly enjoy this entertaining and insightful conversation.