Gemma Chan, the talented actress known for her role in the hit film “Crazy Rich Asians,” recently appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show to discuss her experience working on the movie. The film, which features an all-Asian cast and has been hailed as the rebirth of the romantic comedy genre, has been a tremendous success at the box office.

Chan plays the character Astrid, who is the cousin of the main character and is portrayed as one of the most glamorous women in Singaporean society. Despite her outward appearance of wealth, Astrid struggles with her own insecurities and a failing marriage. Throughout the film, Astrid embarks on a journey to regain her voice and power.

One notable aspect of Chan’s character in “Crazy Rich Asians” is her extravagant jewelry. In the interview, Chan revealed that the earrings she wore in the movie were not just props, but real and extremely expensive. In fact, there was a bodyguard assigned to her to ensure the safety of the valuable jewelry. These earrings were worth more than most flats she has ever lived in, highlighting the opulence portrayed in the film.

The success of “Crazy Rich Asians” goes beyond its box office numbers. For many, the film holds personal significance, breaking barriers and providing much-needed representation for the Asian community. Chan shared that the film has touched many people on a deeper level, with audience members expressing their gratitude for seeing their culture represented on the big screen.

During the interview, Chan also talked about her personal connection to the film. Her parents and grandparents escaped from China during the cultural revolution and eventually settled in Scotland. Chan’s upbringing in a predominantly white town, coupled with her family’s journey, adds a layer of personal meaning to her role in “Crazy Rich Asians.” Her parents attended the London premiere of the film and were moved by the experience, particularly by a song in the soundtrack that resonated with their past.

Aside from discussing the film, Chan also shared some behind-the-scenes anecdotes. She revealed that the cast had the opportunity to shoot some scenes at the Four Seasons Resort in Langkawi, an idyllic island in Malaysia. However, the island’s wildlife, particularly its mischievous monkey population, proved to be a challenge. Chan recalled one incident where a cast member got slapped in the face by a monkey while attempting to retrieve something they had taken.

Overall, Gemma Chan‘s appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show provided insight into the making of “Crazy Rich Asians” and the impact it has had on both the actress and the audience alike. The film’s groundbreaking representation and extravagant visuals, including Chan’s expensive jewelry, have captivated viewers and solidified its place in cinematic history.