In a recent episode of the popular talk show, The Late Late Show with James Corden, Larry David made an appearance that had audiences laughing from start to finish. The banter between Larry David and James Corden was nothing short of entertaining, as they discussed everything from driving on the wrong side of the road to the use of profanity on television.

Right from the beginning, Larry David expressed his confusion over the configuration of the desk and couch on set. He humorously pointed out that everyone else is on the right side, but he had to be different and go left, just like driving in the UK. James Corden, with his quick wit, assured Larry that driving in LA is much easier compared to the chaos of London’s roundabouts.

The conversation took an unexpected turn when Larry brought up the use of the F-word on James’ show. He quizzically asked if he could drop some F-bombs in their conversation, to which James comically responded by giving Larry a green light to “bleep it up.” The audience erupted in laughter as Larry playfully mentioned that the F-word is relatively underused in America.

The playful banter continued as James Corden recalled the moment he met Larry David. Spotting him at a restaurant, James debated whether to approach him or pretend he didn’t see him. In the end, James decided to go over and say hello, making sure their interaction was perfectly timed. Larry David humorously recalled the incident, resulting in another round of laughter.

The conversation shifted gears as James inquired about Larry David‘s early aspirations to become an actor. Larry humorously admitted that the idea of being an actor served as a cool response when people asked him what he did for a living. However, his short-lived acting class experience quickly revealed his dislike for waiting to speak, prompting him to explore other avenues.

While Larry admitted that he wasn’t successful on the late-night circuit as a stand-up comedian, he shared a memorable encounter with the talent coordinator from The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. The coordinator bluntly informed Larry that Johnny wouldn’t like him, to which Larry confidently responded that he wasn’t sure if he would like Johnny either.

The conversation eventually circled back to Larry David‘s hit show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, which returns for its 11th season. While Larry preferred not to give away too much of the plot, he assured fans that it would be more of the same hilarious and witty content they’ve come to love. With the same cast and the same Larry David charm, audiences can expect another season filled with cringe-worthy, relatable humor.

Don’t miss Larry David‘s uproarious appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden, and be sure to catch the highly anticipated 11th season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, airing soon. Keep an eye out for Larry’s signature comedic style and the hijinks that ensue. It’s guaranteed to be another laughter-filled season that fans won’t want to miss.