The recent episode of The Graham Norton Show was filled with laughter, revelations, and a whole lot of charm. The guests on the talk show, including Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, shared their hilarious and heartwarming stories that left the audience captivated.

During the show, Ryan Reynolds reminisced about his upbringing in a humorous way. He talked about how his father, who loved photography, would take pictures of everything imaginable. Ryan even took it to the next level by admitting to a prank he played on his father by sending him a rather unexpected photo. The audience couldn’t help but laugh at this mischievous childhood memory.

Dwayne Johnson, known as “The Rock,” also had the audience in stitches with his larger-than-life personality. He revealed that his iconic “smoldering” look, which he often uses in movies, wasn’t originally planned. It was actually suggested by a producer who remembered Johnson’s mother using that same expression when he was younger. The rest, as they say, is history.

The conversation took a lighter turn when Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson discussed their experiences with their school crushes. Reynolds humorously shared an embarrassing memory of trying to impress a girl on the school bus, only to have the bus doors close on his backpack, causing a rather awkward situation. The audience couldn’t help but relate to these endearing tales of young love.

In addition to the humorous anecdotes, the conversation also turned to their upcoming film, Red Notice. Reynolds and Johnson, both dressed in 90s fashion for their roles, discussed the importance of capturing a timeless and elegant look. Reynolds also jokingly praised Johnson’s ability to pull off the fanny pack look, admitting that not many people can make it work.

Of course, no episode of The Graham Norton Show would be complete without some signature moments. Ryan Reynolds treated the audience to a demonstration of his famous catchphrase, “If you smell what The Rock is cooking,” complete with the iconic eyebrow raise and intense gaze. The crowd erupted with applause and laughter, finally witnessing this long-awaited moment.

Overall, this episode of The Graham Norton Show was a delightful mix of laughter, nostalgia, and entertaining stories. The guests, Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson, brought their A-game and left the audience eagerly anticipating their upcoming film Red Notice. With its lively and engaging atmosphere, The Graham Norton Show once again proved why it remains a chat show favorite for celebrities and viewers alike.