The show, which has been running for an impressive 50 years on CBS, tapes in a studio located directly downstairs from The Late Late Show. Capitalizing on this proximity, James Corden decided to surprise Drew Carey during the taping of The Price is Right. As the cameras rolled, James appeared on the stage of the beloved game show and challenged Drew to step outside his comfort zone.

For 15 years, Drew Carey has been the esteemed host of The Price is Right, but he had never once played any of the show’s games himself. However, James Corden was about to change that. With the energetic crowd eagerly watching, James escorted Drew to the set of The Late Late Show.

Switcheroo, a fan-favorite game from The Price is Right, was the choice for Drew’s moment in the spotlight. The objective was simple – correctly match the numbered blocks to their respective spaces to reveal the right price and win the corresponding prize. However, there was a delightful twist to make things even more challenging. All the items up for grabs were from the very first episode of The Price is Right that aired almost 50 years ago in 1972.

Excitement filled the air as Reggie, the announcer, introduced the prizes Drew could potentially win. These vintage items included a 27-inch color TV, a 22-volume encyclopedia set, a delicious chicken stroganoff, an electric typewriter, and even liver chunks in gravy dog food from Kal-Kan. The time was set, and Drew had 30 seconds to place the numbered blocks in their correct positions.

With the clock ticking, and the audience cheering him on, Drew carefully selected the blocks he believed were the right choices. However, his first attempt proved to be quite challenging, and he only managed to get one answer correct. But James Corden, not willing to let Drew go home empty-handed, gave him another chance.

The audience rallied behind Drew as he took another shot at placing the blocks correctly. This time, he was aided by the knowledge he had gained from his years as the show’s host. The excitement grew as the audience eagerly awaited the final result. Alas, Drew fell short once again, but his enthusiasm and humor shone through.

Despite not winning any prizes, Drew Carey‘s appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden provided an entertaining and unexpected twist. It showcased the camaraderie between the two talk show hosts and thrilled fans of both shows. The Price is Right’s upcoming 50th-anniversary celebration, starting on March 25th, will undoubtedly be filled with more surprises and unforgettable moments.

So, mark your calendars and tune in to witness the milestone anniversary of “The Price is Right”. As always, The Late Late Show with James Corden promises to keep us entertained with more incredible celebrity guests and unexpected surprises. Who knows what other exciting crossover moments await us in the future? Stay tuned for more late-night excitement and laughter!