The Late Late Show with James Corden welcomed the talented duo, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, on their recent episode. The talk show host couldn’t contain his admiration for the popular Netflix series, “Grace & Frankie,” as he shared a clip from the final season set to release this Friday.

Reflecting on the success of the show, Fonda and Tomlin expressed their surprise at how well-received it has been across generations. The appeal of “Grace & Frankie” extends beyond just older women, with even college students and grandkids enjoying the entertaining series.

But it’s not just the wide-ranging audience that has touched the hearts of Fonda and Tomlin. They shared stories of women who have approached them, revealing how the show provided them with strength and hope during times of trauma. The impact “Grace & Frankie” has had on viewers is truly remarkable.

For Tomlin, the series held immense significance in her career. Not only was it a long-term paying job, but it also allowed her to save money for future endeavors. With the final season of “Grace & Frankie,” Tomlin is ready for bigger and better things.

As for Fonda, the show’s theme of aging women and the impact they can have resonated deeply with her. The culmination of their journey on the show, with the addition of legendary performer Dolly Parton, promises to be both moving and unique. Fonda couldn’t contain her excitement, expressing how thrilled she is about the way Parton is integrated into the story.

Moving beyond the show, Fonda also discussed an initiative close to her heart – the Jane Fonda Climate PAC. With 70% of Americans concerned about the climate crisis, Fonda aims to remove elected officials who have ties to the fossil fuel industry and replace them with climate champions. She urged viewers to join her cause by visiting

Towards the end of the interview, a question from Berlin caught their attention. The question highlighted how inspiring Fonda and Tomlin are to upcoming artists. Fonda expressed her gratitude for her life achievements, emphasizing how lucky she feels to be healthy and surrounded by dear friends. Tomlin, on the other hand, shared her newfound sense of comfort and carefree attitude.

As the interview wrapped up, Corden ensured a memorable conclusion to the show by teasing Pete Yawn’s upcoming appearance.

Stay tuned for the final season of “Grace & Frankie,” and be prepared for an emotional and unforgettable journey. The Late Late Show with James Corden continues to provide entertaining and engaging content that keeps viewers hooked.