Neil Patrick Harris made a captivating appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, showcasing his talent for magic tricks and engaging in a delightful conversation with the iconic host.

As Neil entered the stage, the audience erupted in applause, recognizing him as the star of the hit show “Doogie Howser, M.D.” Johnny Carson warmly welcomed him and shared a funny anecdote about their chance encounter at an airport terminal. Both celebrities had spotted each other but didn’t approach, respecting each other’s personal space.

Johnny, aware of Neil’s amateur magic skills, eagerly invited him to perform a trick. Neil, excitedly pulling out a mentalism trick, instructed Johnny to imagine strolling through a grocery store and selecting any item from any aisle. Without any prior discussion, Neil confidently presented a card revealing the price of the item Johnny chose – baked beans. Miraculously, the price Neil mentioned, a dollar nineteen, matched Johnny’s expectation.

Neil then charmingly revealed that his fascination with magic blossomed at a young age. At the age of eight, he witnessed a jaw-dropping transformation of nickels into dimes, and from that moment, he knew he wanted to pursue magic as a potential money-making venture.

The conversation transitioned to Neil’s impressive career. Although he projected immense confidence on stage, Neil confessed that he had only been working professionally for about three years. He recounted how he landed his first job through a drama camp in Las Cruces, New Mexico, where Mark Medoff noticed Neil’s talent and cast him in “Clara’s Heart” alongside Whoopi Goldberg.

Curious about Neil’s background, Johnny inquired about his family. Neil proudly shared that he hailed from Albuquerque, New Mexico, with an older brother named Chris and loving parents, Ron and Sheila. His mother was even present in the audience to support him.

As their conversation continued, Johnny playfully mentioned the tabloids’ interest in Neil, portraying it as a sign of his success. Neil dismissed the tabloid rumors, particularly one that claimed he intended to sport a mohawk and get a devil holding a scalpel tattoo. With a hint of amusement, Neil expressed his disbelief at how these publications acquired such information.

With his show “Doogie Howser, M.D.” in its second season, Neil expressed his hope for a long and prosperous run. The audience’s applause affirmed their belief in the show’s continued success.

Neil Patrick Harris showcased not only his magical prowess but also his natural ability as an actor during his appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. As the interview concluded, it was evident that Neil’s undeniable talent and charm would continue to captivate audiences for years to come.


Originally aired on November 7, 1991