During the interview, Sir Tom Jones was his usual charming self, looking dapper in a trendy jacket despite the heat. Host Jonathan Ross couldn’t help but admire the singer’s youthful appearance, remarking on his recent 70th birthday. Sir Tom mentioned that his son and daughter had gifted him a watch, a thoughtful present despite not being too expensive.

The conversation then shifted to Sir Tom’s latest album, “Praise and Blame,” which he described as a return to his gospel roots. As a child, he used to sing these songs in chapel and felt a strong connection to them. Although the album showcased a different style than his chapel days, the essence remained the same. The enthusiastic singer admitted that he felt he sounded better now than he did decades ago, adding his own unique flair to the music.

Jonathan Ross drew parallels between Sir Tom and Elvis, particularly their love for gospel music. The Welsh singing legend revealed that he and Elvis used to sing gospel songs together late at night after their shows in Vegas. Sir Tom reminisced about the moments they shared, highlighting Elvis’s fascination with the singing traditions in Wales.

The conversation then turned to their bold fashion choices, with Jonathan Ross playfully asking if they ever went shopping together. While they didn’t shop together, they both had a penchant for the leather outfits from North Beach Leather in Los Angeles. The interview included amusing photos of Sir Tom in eye-catching ensembles, including one with a dragon in a swimming pool, truly showcasing his vibrant personality.

Amidst the lively banter, Jonathan Ross couldn’t resist mentioning Sir Tom’s impressive TV and movie appearances from his early days in showbiz. Tom Jones had collaborated with renowned artists like Dusty Springfield, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis, leaving an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. The host even presented a clip from one of Sir Tom’s unconventional TV shows called “Happiness Island,” which featured the singer in revealing swimming trunks, an image that still maintains its allure.

Sir Tom Jones concluded the interview by expressing his love for his latest album and the joy he experienced while creating it. He also hinted at upcoming performances where fans would have the opportunity to witness the new material live. The interview ended on a high note, with Sir Tom Jones taking the stage to perform “Burning Hell,” a John Lee Hooker song, captivating the audience with his mesmerizing voice and magnetic stage presence.

Sir Tom Jones‘s appearance on “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” was a testament to his enduring talent and undeniable charisma. His stories about his bond with Elvis Presley and his musical journey provided an exciting glimpse into the life of a music icon. As fans eagerly await his new album, it’s safe to say that Sir Tom Jones continues to capture hearts with his timeless music and captivating performances.