In a recent episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, the talk show host had some entertaining moments and amusing discussions with his guests. The show kicked off with a giant wall of candy on set, courtesy of Hershey’s, creating a candy bar atmosphere for Halloween. As Corden tried to grasp the candy bar pun, he engaged in witty banter with the head writer of the show.

Moving on to current news, Corden couldn’t resist poking fun at the ongoing New York criminal trial against the Trump organization. He humorously commented on the challenges of finding potential jurors who wouldn’t burst out laughing when Trump swore to tell the truth with his hand on a Bible. Corden also highlighted journalist Bob Woodward‘s new audio book, which features Trump claiming to have had good chemistry with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. Corden jokingly expressed his surprise at thinking less of Kim Jong-Un due to Trump’s statement.

The show then shifted gears to discuss the intriguing comeback of Billy McFarland, the founder of the infamous Fyre Festival. After serving four years in prison, McFarland is reportedly planning another festival, leading Corden to question whether he had truly learned his lesson. The humorous segment showcased Corden’s knack for delivering punchlines.

Additionally, Corden shared a bizarre story about a venomous king cobra snake that escaped from a zoo in Sweden. He playfully described the snake as a “Swedish king cobra,” emphasizing its seductive appeal. Corden further engaged with his audience by discussing their fears of certain animals, with dolphins and horses topping the list. Through witty conversation, Corden revealed his dislike for dolphins due to their shiny appearance and group behavior, while one audience member expressed discomfort around horses’ tall stature and powerful necks.

To wrap up the show, a segment on pumpkin races in Belgium brought laughter and amusement. Participants dressed in Halloween costumes climbed into giant carved-out pumpkins and paddled around a pond. Corden injected humor into the event by jokingly attributing the name “paddle your own pumpkin” to a euphemism for masturbation.

With each engaging topic, witty remark, and unexpected twist, The Late Late Show with James Corden continues to entertain and captivate viewers. With Corden’s comedic flair and ability to engage with his guests, the show proves to be a must-watch for late-night entertainment enthusiasts.