On a recent episode of the talk show "Jimmy Kimmel Live," comedian Nick Kroll made a hilarious appearance. Kroll, known for his voice work on the animated series "Big Mouth," entertained the audience with stories about Halloween and his son's lack of interest in dressing up.
Although Kroll attempted to dress his son as a blueberry, his little one refused to participate in the Halloween festivities. Instead, Kroll found himself wearing the blueberry outfit, prompting laughs from the crowd. He joked about how nobody recognized his costume and mistook it for a colorful sundress.
During the interview, Kroll also shared a funny anecdote about attending a surprise birthday party for Charlize Theron. The surprise within the surprise was the special guest, Michael Bolton. Kroll jokingly described Bolton's entrance, emphasizing his fashionable black leather gloves. The comedian even mentioned how Bolton's hands are where the music is born, and the vocalist must keep his fingers warm to perform.
Kroll also expressed his love for Kanye West, mentioning that the rapper is his favorite musical artist. When asked which musician he would want at his own surprise birthday party, Kroll enthusiastically replied, "Kanye West!" However, he humorously added that he might need to avoid West in Israel, where the rapper was rumored to be headed.
In addition to his talk show appearances, Kroll is busy promoting the sixth season of "Big Mouth," now streaming on Netflix. The show, which tackles themes of puberty, has gained a dedicated following, including many young viewers. Kroll discussed the appropriate age to start watching the show, suggesting that it is suitable when children can speak and understand the content.
With his impressive talent for voices, Kroll revealed that he voices around 30 to 40 characters on the show. He also mentioned some of the famous guest stars on "Big Mouth," including Jeff Goldblum, Kristen Wiig, and Tyler the Creator. Kroll shared how Tyler the Creator, a fan of the show, specifically requested a role, resulting in the rapper being cast as Jesus.
As Kroll continues to entertain audiences with his comedic talents, fans of "Big Mouth" eagerly await the next season. Meanwhile, viewers of "Jimmy Kimmel Live" can enjoy Kroll's lively interviews and humorous anecdotes. Whether it's discussing Halloween mishaps or recounting funny stories about pants mishaps, Kroll's appearances on talk shows are always entertaining and engaging.