Martin Freeman and Danai Gurira recently appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show, where they discussed their experiences working on the Marvel films and honored the late Chadwick Boseman.

During the interview, Gurira revealed that her combat skills from the films do come in handy in real life, particularly when dealing with spiders in Los Angeles. She explained that there are many spiders in the city, including Black Widow spiders, and she uses her spear to break their webs and spray them with bug spray to keep herself safe. Freeman and the audience were in awe of Gurira’s spider-fighting techniques.

Freeman, who played Everett Ross in the Marvel films, shared that it was a joy to go back to a character he had already established. He appeared in the films less than Gurira but enjoyed the familiarity of returning to the role. They both kept their lips sealed to avoid spoilers, but Gurira joked that she was in the film for a “good five minutes,” to which Freeman amusingly responded, “what a hell of a 500 something!”

The conversation turned serious as they addressed the legacy of Chadwick Boseman, who tragically passed away. Gurira mentioned that there was a melancholy hanging over the film because of Boseman’s absence. However, they all felt a responsibility to continue his legacy, as he was a generous soul who cared deeply about representation and community. Gurira emphasized that Ryan Coogler, the director, made it clear that they were doing what Boseman would have wanted. Despite the challenges they faced during filming, they were determined to honor Boseman’s memory and keep his legacy alive.

Freeman added that when Boseman initially passed away, he thought they wouldn’t be doing another film. However, the fact that they were able to make another film is a testament to Boseman’s impact on the character of Black Panther and the Marvel franchise as a whole. The film not only serves as a big action spectacle but also as a tribute to Boseman’s charisma, skill, and presence.

The interview ended on a positive note, with both Freeman and Gurira expressing their excitement for fans to experience the film. They emphasized that it was not only an entertaining experience but also a way to pay tribute to Boseman and his incredible contributions to the Marvel Universe.

Fans can catch the full interview with Martin Freeman and Danai Gurira on The Jonathan Ross Show, where they shared anecdotes, paid tribute to Boseman, and built anticipation for the release of “Wakanda Forever.” Don’t miss it!