On an episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” that aired on May 18, 1982, comedian Tim Conway made a memorable appearance. The talk show host welcomed Conway, who was known for his Emmy award-winning performances. At the time, Conway was preparing to host a special show for NBC called “Television’s Greatest Commercials,” which was set to showcase the history of advertising. He was also scheduled to appear at various theaters across the country.

During their conversation, Carson revealed how embarrassed he felt when guests didn’t make it to the chair before the applause died down. He shared an anecdote about being on “The Mike Douglas Show” and having the same thing happen to him. Conway sympathized with Carson and explained that he always ran to the chair to avoid any awkwardness.

Carson also mentioned how typically they’d book guests and have them talk to talent coordinators beforehand to determine what topics to discuss. However, as friends, Carson thought it would be more natural and professional for him and Conway to have a conversation without any pre-planned talking points. They reminisced about their long-standing friendship and the various parties they had attended together.

Throughout the interview, Conway and Carson shared funny anecdotes and engaged in playful banter. The audience erupted with laughter as they traded jokes and amusing stories. Conway even lightened the mood by pretending to have difficulty thinking of things to say when put on the spot, mimicking the common experience of being caught off guard during interviews.

The conversation then shifted to Conway’s upcoming projects. He excitedly discussed his role in a play called “Wally’s Cafe,” which he described as a humorous production. He also shared his experiences working in Summer Stock theater and recalled a memorable incident during a performance of “Mr. Roberts” in his hometown.

Carson praised Conway’s talent and expressed his admiration for their collaboration on a project highlighting the history of television commercials. The show promised to take viewers on a nostalgic journey back in time, showcasing classic ads from the past. Carson particularly mentioned an unforgettable commercial involving Conway and his fellow entertainer, Ed.

As the segment came to a close, the audience eagerly anticipated a film clip from the upcoming show. Carson and Conway playfully bantered about not knowing which clip would be shown, emphasizing that the most important thing was that their checks had cleared. The humorous exchange further highlighted their natural chemistry and comedic timing.

The episode featuring Tim Conway‘s lively and entertaining conversation with Johnny Carson on “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” aired on May 18, 1982. It was a testament to Conway’s comedic genius and the enduring popularity of the talk show itself.

Originally aired on May 18, 1982