In a recent episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, the talk show host and his guests engaged in a hilarious discussion about Thanksgiving traditions and the upcoming holiday. The atmosphere was lively and filled with laughter as they shared their experiences and opinions on various Thanksgiving-related topics.

James Corden kicked off the conversation by acknowledging the fact that many people were probably watching the show from their childhood bedrooms, reminiscing on the days when TVs were not as portable as they are now. He joked about the tradition of getting together with old high school friends on Thanksgiving Eve, even though everyone is well into their 30s. It seems that this is a common occurrence in America, akin to the British tradition of gathering at the local pub before Christmas.

As the discussion delved into Thanksgiving cooking, the guests shared their excitement about the upcoming feast. One guest, in particular, mentioned his mother-in-law, Pam, who is responsible for the cooking. Corden humorously commented on the confidence associated with the name “Pam,” implying that if your name is Pam, you better know how to cook. The conversation took an amusing turn when they talked about Bruce, Pam’s husband, smoking a ham and a turkey. According to Corden, smoking a ham is the only way someone can truly earn the name Bruce.

The topic then shifted to the popular Thanksgiving side dish, stuffing. The guests expressed their love for stuffing and shared their unique recipes, including one that involved sausage meat, sage, chestnut, and even apricots. However, they unanimously agreed that stuffing with celery is the worst variation. The discussion also touched on how Americans apparently prefer sides over main courses during Thanksgiving, which led to some humorous observations about anything and everything being considered a side dish.

The conversation took a lighthearted turn when Corden declared that he wouldn’t be serving pie on Thanksgiving, much to the dismay of his guests. Citing his distaste for the traditional pumpkin pie, he playfully argued that it makes no sense to have pie after a heavy meal. This led to a hilarious back-and-forth about various pie options, including apple pie, sweet potato pie, and the perfect pie accompaniment – custard or ice cream. Eventually, the decision was made to go with an apple pie, but not without some resistance from the British guests who were puzzled by the American obsession with pumpkin pie.

As the segment came to a close, Corden playfully debated adding creamed beans to the Thanksgiving menu, which caused laughter among the guests. The show ended with a mention of a unique Thanksgiving experience in New York City, where visitors have the opportunity to cuddle with live turkeys while feeding them cranberries and grapes, adding a touch of whimsy to the traditional holiday.

Overall, this Thanksgiving-themed episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden was filled with humor, lively banter, and interesting insights into Thanksgiving traditions and preferences. The playful back-and-forth between the host and his guests kept the audience entertained and eagerly anticipating the upcoming holiday feast.