In a recent episode of The Graham Norton Show, actress Miriam Margolyes shared a shocking and hilarious story about an insane drug bust that happened at her house. It all started when Margolyes received a call from the police asking if she was the owner of a gun emplacement near Dover. Confused, she confirmed that she was indeed the owner. To her surprise, the police informed her that her house was being used as a drop for criminals to get rid of their drugs.

It turns out that a gang from Liverpool had rented Margolyes’ house, which happened to be the nearest one to France. They were using it as a spot to drop drugs, and the total amount seized was a staggering £13 million. Margolyes was horrified by this revelation, as she had no knowledge of the illegal activities taking place in her house. She clarified that she only rented the house and had no connection to the people who rented it or their activities.

The story took an interesting turn when the incident was reported in the Daily Mail. People online started accusing Margolyes of being involved in the drug bust. She recollected how the internet rumors claimed that she must be part of the gang. Margolyes humorously dismissed these accusations and expressed her amusement at how people could jump to such absurd conclusions.

In addition to her drug bust story, Margolyes also shared amusing anecdotes from her theater experiences. She recounted a particularly eventful night during a production of Hay Fever in the West End. The audience was unique, with people bringing take-away food, having hen parties with blow-up dolls, and even fainting and being carried out on stretchers. However, the most memorable incident that night involved people in the balcony vomiting onto those below them. Margolyes described it as an “amazing night out at the theater” and urged people to get their tickets for the current play, “Midsummer Night at the Bridge Theater.”

During the show, Graham Norton also had a fun conversation with the cast of a film, discussing a unique experience they had while doing a junket. One of the cast members received an email from a tabloid accusing her of having problems with everyone else on set. The intriguing part was that the same tabloid sent the same email to another cast member, but with slightly different content, claiming she was both a problem and a victim. The cast reflected on the age-old myth that women can’t get along, debunking it by sharing their positive working relationship.

The conversation on The Graham Norton Show also touched on some interesting topics with other guests. Actress Viola Davis talked about playing Michelle Obama in an upcoming biopic and the challenge of portraying such a beloved and revered figure. Meryl Streep shared her childhood story of how she ended up being named Meryl and the confusion caused by her name being misspelled with a “P” instead of a “T.” Rapper and singer Nicki Minaj discussed the meaning behind some of her slang expressions, such as “bees in the trap” and “Waffle House,” which she described as relating to certain situations and behaviors.

The episode concluded with a heartwarming moment when Emma Bunton, known as Baby Spice from the Spice Girls, surprised superfan Miriam Margolyes with a video message. Margolyes expressed her love for the Spice Girls and how their music and message of girl power resonated with her. She even revealed that Emma Bunton was her favorite Spice Girl, which elicited joyous reactions from both Margolyes and Bunton.

The Graham Norton Show continues to provide entertaining and insightful conversations with celebrities, allowing viewers to get a glimpse into their personal stories and experiences. With its lively atmosphere and the host’s ability to bring out the best in his guests, The Graham Norton Show remains a favorite among talk show enthusiasts.