Dennis Hopper, an incredibly talented and versatile actor, made his only appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Hopper, known for his critically acclaimed roles, shared some interesting anecdotes and insights during his appearance.

One of the roles Dennis Hopper discussed was his portrayal of Barry Seal in a film called “Double Crossed.” Barry Seal was a real-life drug runner turned government informant. Hopper described the role as fascinating and mentioned that the story was far more complicated than what was depicted in the movie. Hopper also shared that while filming, he had to spend a lot of time in airplanes, even though he didn’t actually fly them.

Another notable project Hopper discussed was a film he did with Barbara Hershey called “Paris Trout Restaurant.” Hopper appreciated these offbeat roles and mentioned that he enjoyed playing characters that were a bit unconventional. In fact, he even quoted his character from the film “Blue Velvet,” describing Frank Booth as a murderer, maimer, drug dealer, and psychopath. Hopper revealed that during that time, he had stopped drinking and taking drugs, which made his portrayal even more intriguing.

During the interview, Carson praised Hopper’s acting skills and mentioned a powerful speech he had witnessed Hopper deliver at an event celebrating Lew Wasserman’s 50 years in the entertainment business. Carson expressed his admiration for Hopper’s speech, which had deeply resonated with him. In response, Hopper humbly thanked Carson and shared an amusing encounter with the legendary George Burns, who asked him if he planned to stay in the business. Hopper replied affirmatively, and Burns responded with a simple, “Me too.”

Hopper, who grew up on a farm in Kansas, revealed that his fascination with movies began as a way to escape the Dust Bowl and find a different world beyond the Midwest. Though he didn’t have any formal training or connections in the entertainment industry at first, he later studied with renowned acting teacher Strasbourg in New York. Hopper’s acting journey began at the old Globe Theater in San Diego, where he performed Shakespearean plays before eventually making his way to Hollywood.

Speaking about his breakout role in “Easy Rider,” Hopper shared that the film was shot in 1967 and released in 1969. It was through “Easy Rider” that Hopper introduced Jack Nicholson to mainstream audiences. Hopper spoke highly of Nicholson, describing him as a great storyteller and a genuinely wonderful person. Hopper shared a heartwarming anecdote about how Nicholson takes him to Lakers games, displaying their friendship and camaraderie.

The interview also showcased Hopper’s photography skills. When asked about a photograph he took of Sean Penn, Hopper explained that artist Julian Schnabel wanted to feature Penn’s picture in an upcoming article. Initially, Sean declined, citing his dislike for having his picture taken. However, Hopper managed to convince Penn, as he was the one person Penn couldn’t refuse.

The conversation shifted to Sean Penn‘s directorial skills, with Hopper praising Penn’s debut movie, “Indian Runner,” as the best first film he had ever seen. Hopper marveled at how intense and talented Penn was as both an actor and a director. The film was shot in Omaha, Nebraska, Hopper’s hometown, and included a small role for Hopper himself.

Dennis Hopper‘s appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson was a captivating and memorable affair. His stories delighted the audience, and his passion for his craft was evident throughout the interview. Hopper’s incredible journey, from a farm boy in the Midwest to being one of the busiest and most respected actors in town, serves as a testament to his talent and perseverance in the world of entertainment.

Originally aired on August 15, 1991