Harvey Korman, the talented and versatile comedy actor, recently appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, where he shared the harrowing story of his near-drowning experience. Korman, known for his exceptional comedic skills on The Carol Burnett Show, recounted the terrifying incident that left him paralyzed and fighting for his life.

During the interview with Carson, Korman appeared wearing a collar, meant to stabilize his neck after the accident. Carson, always the humorous host, joked about his own experience with a similar injury. Korman confessed that he had no feeling in his fingertips, which made simple tasks like picking his own nose quite challenging.

The actor then delved into the details of his accident, explaining that he had been body surfing at a beach in Malibu when a powerful wave knocked him down. Unable to regain his footing, Korman was trapped underwater, struggling to breathe. He vividly described the feeling of helplessness and the fear that he would drown.

Thankfully, a young surfer noticed Korman’s distress and came to his rescue. This act of heroism saved Korman’s life, and he expressed his eternal gratitude to the young man. He also emphasized the importance of being cautious and respectful of the ocean’s power, sharing that many people suffer from broken necks and paralysis due to similar accidents.

Amidst the seriousness of the story, Korman managed to inject humor, cracking jokes about his experience and eliciting laughter from the audience. He playfully teased Carson and even shared a funny anecdote about the post-accident dinner outing Carson had organized for Korman, complete with costumes and unexpected surprises.

Despite his recovery, Korman revealed that he still didn’t have feeling in his fingertips, which posed challenges in his daily life. However, his positive attitude and ability to find humor in any situation demonstrated his resilience.

Korman’s appearance on The Tonight Show was a poignant reminder of the power of laughter, even amidst adversity. His story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of embracing humor in the face of life’s challenges.

Fans of Korman and The Tonight Show were undoubtedly captivated by his candid account of his near-drowning experience. As one of the most accomplished comedy actors of his time, Korman’s appearances on talk shows like The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson were always highly anticipated, and this particular episode proved to be no exception.

Overall, Harvey Korman‘s interview showcased his talent for both comedy and storytelling. His ability to entertain and engage the audience while sharing a deeply personal and frightening experience is a testament to his brilliance as a performer. We can only hope that Korman continues to grace our screens with his wit and comedic genius for years to come.

Originally aired on September 18, 1974