During a recent episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, Mila Kunis revealed her deep admiration for actor Patrick Stewart. The conversation began with James Corden reminiscing about Kunis’ appearance on the show’s very first episode eight years ago. Corden praised Kunis for her kindness and generosity, but Kunis playfully recalled a conversation they had about the show’s future success. She jokingly warned Corden that he would eventually become too famous to interact with the audience. Little did she know that she would become a regular guest on the show.

Kunis then shifted the conversation to her first meeting with Patrick Stewart. They crossed paths at the Royal National Theater when Kunis was just 26 years old. She praised Stewart’s brilliant performances and expressed her admiration for him as an actor. Stewart humbly accepted the compliment, acknowledging the impact of his work on their generation of actors.

But it was Kunis’ confession about being a massive fan of Patrick Stewart that truly captured the audience’s attention. She shared a surprising revelation: her ringtone is the Star Trek theme song, which she bought as a ringtone during the era of Nokia phones. Kunis had spent her hard-earned money to show her love for Star Trek and Stewart. The audience erupted in applause, amazed by Kunis’ dedication as a super fan.

Stewart, taken aback by Kunis’ enthusiasm, joined in the laughter and applause. He commended Kunis for her unwavering support and admitted that he had no idea he was sitting next to such a passionate fan. The audience’s admiration for the iconic actor was palpable, as they reveled in the affectionate banter between Kunis and Stewart.

As the conversation continued, the talk turned to Stewart’s experience playing Captain Jean-Luc Picard for the past 35 years. Kunis asked if he receives special treatment from airline captains when he travels. Stewart humorously shared an anecdote about being invited onto the flight deck of a Concorde while it was in flight. He jokingly pretended to assume control of the plane but quickly reassured the audience that it was a one-time occurrence.

The interview concluded with a celebration of Stewart’s recent season of Star Trek: Picard. The audience applauded his long-standing portrayal of Captain Picard and his contributions to the Star Trek franchise over the years. Stewart expressed his joy and gratitude for the show’s success and the fans’ unwavering support.

It’s clear that Mila Kunis is not only a talented actress but also a devoted super fan of Patrick Stewart. Their lighthearted conversation showcased their genuine affection for one another and demonstrated the deep connection that exists between celebrities and their admirers.

As we eagerly anticipate what’s next for both Kunis and Stewart, it’s safe to say that their interactions on The Late Late Show with James Corden captivated audiences and left a lasting impression.