The latest episode of The Graham Norton Show featured a star-studded lineup of sports women, who shared their experiences and achievements with the charismatic host. From tennis to soccer, cycling to ballet, these remarkable women showcased their talent and discussed the challenges they faced in their respective fields.

One of the guests, a renowned tennis player, revealed that she had dedicated her life to the sport since the tender age of five. She spoke candidly about the pressure she felt as she and her family moved from Russia to America to pursue her tennis career. Despite the sacrifices she made, she admitted that she would never put her own child through the same level of pressure. When asked about the jealousy among other female players due to her endorsements and advertising deals, she expressed that she hadn't personally felt it, but acknowledged that it was natural in such a competitive environment.

Another guest, a football player, shed light on the history of women's football. She revealed that there was once a ban on women playing football and it was only lifted in 1971. She highlighted how women's football drew huge crowds during World War I, with as many as 100,000 spectators attending matches. However, due to jealousy and insecurity among men, the ban was instated, remaining in place for 50 years.

Female boxing was another topic discussed on the show, with a guest sharing the surprising fact that it was banned in the UK until 1996. The audience was taken aback by the reason behind the ban – women were deemed too unstable due to their menstrual cycles. Despite the absurdity of this belief, the guest humorously confirmed that she found it to be true.

The discussion then shifted to inspire young girls who are now able to look up to female boxers as role models, something that was missing when the guest was younger. The guest emphasized the importance of being a source of inspiration by visiting schools and encouraging children to get involved in sports.

The show also delved into the world of ballet, where a renowned ballerina shared some of the challenges she faced. She recounted a particularly hot performance in Israel, where the heat was so intense that the stage floor started melting. Despite the difficulties, she performed with grace and elegance, as expected from a world-class ballerina.

Cycling took the spotlight as another guest shared her unexpected journey into the sport. Having suffered a stroke and being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, she found her balance severely affected, preventing her from running. She decided to give cycling a try and never looked back. With dedication and hard work, she became a world champion within a year.

The show also welcomed a former amateur jockey who shared some lighthearted anecdotes from her racing days. She humorously recounted an incident where she unintentionally carved up Princess Anne during a race, causing both laughter and slight tension. However, it seems that any past animosity has now subsided.

The lineup was completed by a legendary tennis player, who holds the record for the most total titles. Having played during a different era with wooden rackets and natural surfaces, she expressed doubts that anyone would be able to surpass her achievements. She attributed the lack of longevity in today's players to the harsh conditions and physical demands of the sport.

The episode concluded with a heartwarming exchange between the guests, as they praised and thanked each other for being inspirations to young girls and for their unwavering support of female athletes. The camaraderie and mutual respect showcased on the show highlighted the importance of empowering and encouraging women in sports.

As always, The Graham Norton Show proved to be a platform that brings together captivating personalities and allows them to share their stories in an entertaining and enlightening manner. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes featuring the biggest names in entertainment and sports on The Graham Norton Show.