In a captivating and awe-inspiring moment on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, young Philip Paley showcased his impressive martial arts skills alongside the legendary Chuck Norris. At just nine years old, Philip already possessed a black belt in karate, an achievement usually reserved for individuals much older. The audience couldn't believe their eyes as this pint-sized dynamo showed off his incredible talent.

Johnny Carson introduced Philip to the audience, recounting how he stumbled upon a news segment featuring the young karate expert. Despite his tender age, Philip's mastery of karate had garnered attention, with his mother even noting that he didn't quite grasp who Johnny Carson was. In fact, Philip jokingly claimed that he'd "kill" Johnny Carson, not recognizing the renowned host. It seems Philip was more familiar with Johnny Carson as the Clydesdale horse from advertisements, rather than as a talk show icon.

Sporting his traditional karate outfit, Philip explained that he had been studying karate for nearly five years, beginning at the age of four. When asked why he took it up, Philip revealed that he had been picked on by other kids because of his small size. Karate provided him with the ability to defend himself and boosted his self-confidence, making it a natural choice for him.

Johnny Carson wondered if Philip had seen karate on television, to which Philip cheekily responded, "Kids gave it to me." His witty response brought a smile to everyone's face. Philip's journey into karate began when he noticed a karate studio while driving with his mother. Intrigued, he sought his parents' permission to take up the martial art. With their approval, Philip embarked on his karate journey, training diligently to achieve his black belt status.

Despite his young age, Philip had already garnered an impressive track record in karate competitions, winning trophies in 14 tournaments. He competed against children of his own weight and size, demonstrating his extraordinary abilities against his peers. But it wasn't just about winning competitions for Philip; he also wanted to help instruct karate at Chuck Norris's stadiums in his spare time while pursuing his dream of becoming a doctor like his father.

As Chuck Norris made his entrance, Johnny Carson engaged him in conversation about the growing popularity of karate among youngsters. Norris highlighted the benefits of karate for young people, emphasizing the development of confidence and mental and physical abilities. Philip's responsibility as a junior black belt included assisting with instructing younger students and examining them every few months.

To showcase Philip's skills, Chuck Norris and Philip performed an impressive fight routine, leaving the audience in awe. It was clear that Philip had mastered the art of karate, executing kicks and punches with finesse and precision. While it was obvious that a battle between Philip and Chuck Norris wouldn't be fair due to their vast size difference, Philip's agility and technique were nothing short of sensational.

Johnny Carson, filled with curiosity, couldn't resist trying out a few moves himself. Chuck Norris demonstrated some defensive techniques, such as blocking a punch and escaping from a headlock. Johnny Carson found himself thoroughly impressed with the control and focus required for karate.

The charismatic and talented Philip Paley left an indelible mark on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, demonstrating that age is just a number when it comes to achieving greatness. His story served as both an inspiration and a reminder of karate's immense power, teaching self-defense, instilling confidence, and shaping young minds both mentally and physically. As Philip's journey continues, his goal of becoming a doctor alongside his dedication to karate will undoubtedly lead him to more astonishing achievements in the future.

Originally aired on July 5, 1973