Chet Atkins, known as "Mr. Guitar", wowed audiences on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson with his incredible talent. The talk show, which has seen many iconic moments over the years, provided the perfect platform for Atkins to showcase his exceptional skills.

Atkins, who has been playing the guitar for over 30 years, made it look so effortless that it almost seemed unfair. His latest album, Chet Atkins alone, was highly praised, further solidifying his status as a guitar virtuoso.

During the show, Carson commented on how Atkins made playing the guitar look easy, calling it "disgusting" in a jestful manner. Atkins humbly responded, expressing how he always chooses the most challenging tunes to play. But despite the difficulty, he always manages to make it sound easy.

Carson also noticed that Atkins didn't smile much while performing, to which Atkins explained that he began his career on hillbilly shows, where smiling was emphasized. However, Atkins found it hard to concentrate on playing when he had to focus on smiling as well. He joked about how Lawrence Welk's band members always smile while playing their instruments, even the trombone players.

The conversation shifted to singing, and Atkins admitted that he had tried singing in the past but didn't find success. Instead, he focused on his guitar playing, which brings him joy. Carson playfully mentioned singing along with oneself, to which Atkins jokingly replied that he had about one final letter left after attempting to sing properly.

Outside of music, Atkins shared that he was a ham radio operator and had numerous other hobbies, including flying, photography, and golf. He even had his own celebrity golf tournament in Nashville.

Carson was impressed by Atkins' diverse range of interests and mentioned seeing him perform with the Boston Pops Orchestra during a recent concert. Atkins expressed his enjoyment of collaborating with Arthur Fiedler and the orchestra, emphasizing that he relished the opportunity to perform in a different setting.

The conversation took a humorous turn as the two discussed the limitations of prime time shows and the freedom they had on The Tonight Show. Atkins mentioned a previous mishap on another show where he fell and injured his knee. Carson reassured him that the lack of elaborate sets and props on their show reduced the risk of such accidents.

Finally, Atkins treated the audience to a sample of his guitar playing. He showcased his unique touch and style, encouraging others to take advantage of their own unique playing techniques. The audience applauded enthusiastically, appreciating the remarkable talent of "Mr. Guitar."

Overall, Chet Atkins' appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson was a delightful showcase of his magnificent guitar skills. His masterful performance left a lasting impression on both Carson and the audience, solidifying his status as one of the greatest guitar players of all time.