On a recent episode of David Letterman's talk show, a special segment called "Know Your Staff" was introduced. The first staff member to be featured was production assistant Chris Elliott, who not only works behind the scenes but also has a presence in the entertainment industry.

As a production assistant, Chris Elliott has a diverse range of responsibilities. One of his notable contributions to the show is the creation of the "stupid pet tricks" segment, which has garnered popularity among both the staff and viewers. In addition to that, Chris also handles tasks such as xeroxing.

This wasn't Chris Elliott's first appearance on the talk show. The show played clips of some of his previous work, including a hilarious skit where he portrayed a subway pole and another where he played the role of garbage. These comedic performances showcase his talent and versatility.

Beyond his work on the talk show, Chris Elliott has also made a name for himself in the film industry. He recently appeared in a major motion picture called "Lyanna," directed by John Sales. In the film, he plays the character of a lighting designer's assistant named Lyanna. Despite some confusion in the credits, Chris's portrayal of the character adds humor to the storyline.

With the limited clips shown during the talk show, it's clear that Chris Elliott's role in "Lyanna" extends beyond what was presented. As a dedicated actor, he reveals that he was cut from one scene, leaving audiences wondering about the treasures left behind in the editing room. Regardless, working with accomplished actress Linda Griffith and renowned director John Sales, Chris Elliott's performance can undoubtedly be expected to leave an impression.

Apart from his contributions to the talk show and his career in film, Chris Elliott also comes from a comedy pedigree. His father, Bob Elliott, was half of the legendary comedy duo, Bob and Ray. During a previous episode of the talk show, Chris Elliott was introduced to the audience, receiving applause as a living testament to his family's comedy legacy.

As the interview came to a close, Chris Elliott expressed his happiness with his current role as a production assistant and joked about his father's fame. The audience and David Letterman bid farewell to Chris Elliott, acknowledging his humor and contribution to the talk show.

With Chris Elliott's infectious charisma and diverse talents, it's no wonder that his presence on the talk show brings a special glow. As an integral part of the show's staff and a rising star in the entertainment industry, Chris Elliott continues to make audiences laugh with his memorable performances.