On a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, viewers were treated to a delightful conversation between Stephen and his guest, who shall remain nameless. The topic of discussion? Romance. Yes, Stephen dared to ask his guest what they found most romantic about their partner. And let’s just say, the answers were nothing short of heartwarming.
According to Stephen’s guest, the most romantic things about their partner ranged from their kindness and hopefulness to their sense of adventure and desire to explore the world. It seems that romance, for this couple, is all about the beautiful anticipation of something incredible on the horizon. And let’s not forget about the importance of being a good listener, which they both agreed is an incredibly romantic trait in a partner.
But as the conversation turned to Stephen himself, he seemed a bit unsure of what his guest might find romantic about him. Would it be his humor? Well, his guest did mention that he was funny, so perhaps humor can indeed be romantic. Or maybe it’s his lips? Stephen couldn’t help but recall their first date, which took place in Charleston, South Carolina. He remembered wearing a brand new jacket for the occasion, and how they shared a memorable evening at a restaurant called MaryAnn’s.
But here’s where things took an unexpected turn. It turns out that both Stephen and his guest had dreams the night before their first date that somehow seemed connected. Stephen dreamed of a horse race in Spain, while his guest had a dream involving chess. And lo and behold, when they arrived at the restaurant, the very first item on the menu was “Valentine of duck.” A coincidence? Or a sign that something special was indeed happening between them? Stephen couldn’t help but share this fascinating dream connection, despite knowing that discussing dreams is usually a one-way ticket to boredom.
Thankfully, his guest seemed intrigued by the dream revelation, embracing the idea that Stephen was either really interesting or just a little bit crazy. And in true romantic fashion, they continued their date by exploring Charleston and even sharing a kiss on Stephen’s family’s front porch. It was a lovely first date, one that left them both wanting more.
Interestingly enough, Stephen did mention that he had a date with someone else the following night. But hey, he’s a smart man, right? And luckily, his guest had a date of their own, a kayaking adventure with a wildlife photographer. All’s fair in love and dating, after all.
This conversation on The Late Show reminds us that romance can be found in the most unexpected places and moments. Whether it’s through shared dreams, a good sense of humor, or simply being a good listener, love has a way of weaving its magic in our lives. And when it comes to Stephen and his guest, it’s clear that their first date was just the beginning of a beautiful and romantic journey.