In a recent episode of the popular talk show, “Letterman”, Kelsey Grammer, the talented actor known for his role as Frasier Crane in the hit series “Frasier”, brought along a special guest that stole the show. This guest, however, wasn’t a person, but an incredibly talented dog named Moose.

As David Letterman introduced Kelsey Grammer to the stage, he couldn’t help but mention the recent Emmy wins for “Frasier”. With a total of five awards, including Outstanding Lead Actor and Best Show, it’s clear that the show has struck a chord with audiences.

With such success comes hard work, and Kelsey shared a glimpse into the demanding schedule of working on a hit TV show. Starting the day around 9 or 10 in the morning, the cast and crew dive into a long day of rehearsing and reading scripts. Despite the rumors of early call times and late nights, Kelsey revealed that they typically finish shooting by 8 pm, resulting in a reasonable workweek of around 22 hours.

It wasn’t just awards and work schedules that were the topic of conversation, though. Letterman couldn’t help but mention the recent gift Kelsey received from NBC, the network that aired “Frasier”. As a gesture of appreciation, they presented him with an expensive sports car – a Viper. Kelsey jokingly admitted that the gift might have been related to an engagement party he had recently celebrated with his fiance Tammy, but also acknowledged that it coincided with the show’s move to a new night. Perhaps the powerful Viper served as a consolation for any trouble caused by the schedule change.

Throughout the interview, Kelsey also discussed the thrill of having famous guest stars on the show. From Sydne Poot to Henry Mancini, it’s clear that “Frasier” has attracted some impressive talent. But it was Moose, the adorable dog who played Eddie, that truly stole the spotlight. Sporting long, rough hair, Moose achieved celebrity status, gracing the covers of multiple magazines, including TV Guide.

To demonstrate Moose‘s talent, Kelsey invited him onto the stage. The affable dog seemed to have a special bond with his human co-star, and together they performed a trick. Moose stood on a platform, eagerly waiting for the command. With a single word, he launched himself into the air, momentarily defying gravity. It was clear that Moose‘s skills extended far beyond acting.

As the interview came to a close, Kelsey and Moose bid farewell to the audience. The charismatic dog wagged his tail, showing off his natural charm. It’s safe to say that Moose, along with the talented cast and crew of “Frasier”, has left a lasting impression on the world of television.

With Kelsey Grammer‘s unforgettable performance as Dr. Frasier Crane and Moose‘s lovable portrayal of Eddie, it’s no wonder that “Frasier” continues to be one of the most beloved shows in TV history. So let’s give a round of applause to this iconic talk show and the incredible talent it showcases.