In a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host kicked off the show with some excitement, announcing that it was Taylor Swift night in America. He mentioned that Taylor Swift‘s concert film was expected to be a massive hit, projected to make over $100 million, possibly even $200 million in its opening weekend. Jimmy even humorously shared that he found Taylor Swift hiding in the trunk of his car earlier that morning.

Moving on from Taylor Swift, Jimmy delved into the latest antics of former President Donald Trump. He highlighted Trump’s speech addressing the recent terrorist attack on Israel, where he not only attacked Israel but also claimed that Hamas wouldn’t have attacked if his election hadn’t been rigged. Trump even called Israel’s defense minister a jerk and had some surprising compliments for Israel’s enemies in Lebanon. Jimmy jokingly mentioned how Trump seemed to be angling for the Nobel Peace Prize amidst all the chaos.

Jimmy then shifted the focus to Trump’s relationship with China and shared some controversial remarks Trump made about the president of China. After that, he talked about Trump’s recent speech, where he spent a whole minute berating his microphone, amusingly calling it the worst microphone he had ever had. Jimmy jokingly speculated that Trump’s tendency to find reasons not to pay people might be a result of slowing him down a little, implying that he acts like a full-blown drunk.

Shifting gears, Jimmy addressed the ongoing dilemma in the Republican party regarding the Speaker of the House position. It seemed that Republicans couldn’t find anyone they fully agreed on, as Steve Scalise of Louisiana lacked the necessary votes to secure the position. Jimmy humorously mentioned that Scalise had been blocked by the “mental patient wing” of the party, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and George Santos, who vented his frustration on social media.

With the November 17 deadline to pass legislation to fund the government fast approaching, the absence of a Speaker of the House only added to the uncertainty. While Republicans figured out their leadership, Jimmy humorously likened the situation to waiting in line at a pharmacy, wondering if they would get their insulin on time.

To add some entertainment to the show, Jimmy introduced Gary Turner, also known as the Golden Bachelor, from the reality dating show. He mentioned that on tonight’s episode, a fitness instructor named Leslie gave Gary a chance to sample her body as part of a talent show. The steamy performance got a mixed reaction, with some calling it too sexy for TV.

To lighten the mood further, Jimmy brought up Bachelor in Paradise and its unexpected storyline involving one contestant’s struggles with constipation. Sharing a hilarious clip from the show, Jimmy joked about the unfortunate timing of needing to use the bathroom during the Rose ceremony and referenced his Aunt Chippy, who also appeared on The Golden Bachelor but failed to receive a rose.

To wrap up the show, Jimmy had some fun with Aunt Chippy by having her review a dating show called Naked Attraction, where contestants pick their partners based on their private parts. Of course, the explicit parts were blurred for television, but Aunt Chippy got to see everything in its uncensored glory.

Overall, it was an eventful episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, filled with humor, celebrity gossip, and some amusing takes on current events. From Taylor Swift to Trump’s antics and the ongoing Speaker of the House dilemma, Jimmy kept the audience entertained with his lively commentary and humorous quips.