In a recent appearance on the talk show hosted by the legendary David Letterman, acclaimed actor Jonah Hill shared an intriguing and slightly shocking story about his experience while filming “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Hill, who was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance in the film, opened up about a particular scene involving a confrontation with his co-star, John Barenthal.
Hill revealed that during the scene, he was supposed to come out and confront Barenthal’s character before he gets knocked out. However, what made this scene particularly intense was the suggestion from director Martin Scorsese himself. Scorsese asked Hill if he wanted to try a take where Barenthal would actually hit him for real.
Understandably surprised and hesitant, Hill initially declined the offer. However, not wanting to appear weak or afraid, he eventually agreed to go through with it. Little did he know that this decision would lead to a real hit and split his fake teeth, causing them to fly out of his mouth.
Despite the initial shock and pain, Hill continued to film the scene. Scorsese, ever the determined director, yelled out to the crew to get Hill some new teeth and to continue shooting. Unsurprisingly, the take where Hill got punched ended up being the one used in the final cut of the film.
Reflecting on the incident, Hill admitted that while it was a crazy experience, he understands that Scorsese’s intention was to capture the raw intensity of the moment. The acclaimed director wanted to motivate the rest of the scene and make it feel genuine for the audience. Hill jokingly added that perhaps it was just Scorsese’s way of getting back at him for talking too much on set.
Aside from sharing this behind-the-scenes story, Hill also showered praises on his co-star Leonardo DiCaprio, calling him one of the best actors he has ever worked with. Hill expressed his admiration for DiCaprio’s talent and revealed that this was their first collaboration together.
As the interview continued, Hill and Letterman bantered about other movies and actors, showcasing their shared enthusiasm for the film industry. The conversation was filled with humor and lighthearted exchanges, as Hill recounted various anecdotes from his career.
With “The Wolf of Wall Street” opening on Christmas day, audiences can look forward to witnessing Hill’s remarkable performance and experiencing the intense scenes that were captured during the making of the film.
In conclusion, Hill’s appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show gave viewers a fascinating preview of the highly anticipated movie and offered a glimpse into the captivating world of filmmaking. The story about getting punched may have been shocking, but it only adds to the excitement surrounding “The Wolf of Wall Street.”