On a recent episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” the host delved into a variety of quirky and entertaining news stories. While typically known for his witty monologues, this time Colbert opted for a more offbeat approach in what he affectionately refers to as his “meanwhile” segment.

One of the highlights of the segment was the revelation that Taylor Swift had inadvertently inspired a new condiment. A photo of the pop star enjoying some chicken with ketchup went viral, prompting the creation of “Hin’s Ketchup and Seemingly Ranch.” Colbert joked about the perfect combination of this new sauce with a plate of produ chicken, leaving his audience laughing and hungry for more.

In another peculiar but fascinating tidbit, Colbert shared some intriguing research findings. It turns out that ice cream and potato chips are just as addictive as cocaine, according to the study. As a tongue-in-cheek solution, Colbert whimsically recommended limiting dessert consumption to just one scoop of “crack mar stard” to avoid falling into a deliciously addicting spiral.

Of course, the segment wouldn’t be complete without some animal news. Colbert highlighted a study that revealed female frogs fake their own death to avoid unwanted attention from males during mating season. Comparing it to a common tactic employed by human women when their Tinder dates start talking about their podcasts, Colbert had his audience in stitches.

Unsurprisingly, the segment took an unexpected turn when Colbert reported on a bear stealing a bag of gummy bears from a convenience store in Canada. With a touch of amusement in his voice, Colbert joked about the bear’s blatant disregard for the unwritten rule that bears should stick to eating fish. The cherry on top was the comical footage of the incident, with Colbert playfully noting that the bear appeared to be conducting an interview and seemed rather pleased with himself.

Shifting gears, Colbert briefly touched on Best Buy’s decision to stop selling DVDs, a development that holds significance for those who still appreciate the physical media format. He humorously likened DVDs to coasters that play Shrek, warning his younger audience not to touch them, as their mysterious powers may render them useless. And while acknowledging Walmart’s growing dominance in the DVD market, Colbert quipped that Best Buy remains the go-to destination for finding a dozen dads engrossed in multiple TV screens simultaneously playing Blue Planet.

In a nod to the renewed popularity of the TV show “Suits,” Colbert mentioned that the series’ streaming numbers had been soaring. Many attribute this spike in interest to Meghan Markle’s previous involvement in the show before her marriage to Prince Harry. Colbert playfully drew a connection to Princess Diana’s appearance in a different TV show years ago, portraying a drug lord in Miami Vice.

With Jada Pinkett Smith scheduled as a guest for his show, Colbert wrapped up the segment, leaving his audience eager to see what other offbeat news stories he would uncover in future episodes of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”