Teri Polo, known for her role as Robert De Niro’s daughter in the hit movie “Meet the Parents,” recently made an appearance on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” to talk about her latest project and share some personal tidbits. The actress, who is now starring in ABC’s romantic comedy “I’m with her,” charmed the audience with her lively and engaging conversation with Ellen.

As Teri made her entrance on the show, she carried a tissue to humorously suggest that she might need it to blow her nose. The audience erupted in laughter and applause, appreciating her playful entrance.

Ellen wasted no time in discussing Teri’s most important role, that of being a mother. Teri proudly shared pictures of her adorable 14-month-old son, who she described as the love of her life. The actress couldn’t help but gush about her little boy, sharing that he smiles a lot and has brought immense joy and change to her life. As a mother of a young child, Teri seemed remarkably rested, which made Ellen marvel at her parenting skills. They both shared relatable stories about the challenges of raising children, with Teri jokingly mentioning that she might not want to have another child for fear of having a “devil child” next time.

Moving on from motherhood, the conversation shifted towards Teri’s successful career. Ellen praised Teri’s performance in “Meet the Parents,” expressing how hilarious she found the movie to be. Teri revealed that the scene involving the famous cat milking moment took longer to shoot than expected because everyone kept laughing. The improvisation by Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro made it incredibly fun, as no one knew what they would say next. Teri confessed that she laughed her way through the entire filming process, indicating that there must be an excellent gag reel from the movie.

The talk then turned to the exciting news of a potential sequel to “Meet the Parents.” Teri confirmed that they were indeed going to start filming in the spring and that the movie would be called “Meet the Fuers.” Both Teri and Ellen teased that viewers from Wisconsin might misunderstand the title, thinking the characters are cursing.

During a segment where a fan from Chicago asked Teri a question, Ellen couldn’t miss the chance to playfully joke about the difference in weather temperatures. The fan, named Lindsay, asked Teri what makes her angriest. Teri responded with a lighthearted annoyance at Los Angeles drivers who fail to use turn signals. The conversation segued into a discussion about drivers in Los Angeles in general and the frustration of being honked at for not driving fast enough, only to end up at the same red light as the aggressive driver.

Teri Polo‘s appearance on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” on October 17, 2003, was a delightful conversation filled with laughter and insight into her personal and professional life. The actress charmed both Ellen and the audience with her warm and humorous demeanor, leaving everyone excited for her upcoming projects.

Originally aired on October 17, 2003