In a recent episode of the talk show, “Letterman,” Emmy Award-nominated actress Kerry Washington wowed the audience with her dance moves. The star, known for her role in the popular television show “Scandal,” appeared on the show to discuss her Emmy nomination and her recent appearance at the awards ceremony.

Washington, looking stunning as ever, discussed how she brought her conservative parents to the Emmys as her nominations and presenting opportunity made the night special for her and her family. Her mother, a retired professor of education, played a significant role in Washington’s childhood, even pre-grading her papers. However, Washington jokingly mentioned that she got into trouble once when she told a teacher that her mother teaches people to do what the teacher does.

During the conversation, Washington shared an amusing anecdote about her mother’s love for the show “Game of Thrones.” Knowing that her mother used to hang up on her if she called during the show, Washington wanted to give her parents the opportunity to meet a cast member from “Game of Thrones.” She introduced them to the actor who played Khal Drogo at an HBO party, and to her surprise, her usually conservative mother fangirled over him.

Letterman humorously mentioned the explicit content in “Game of Thrones,” implying that it might be surprising for Washington’s parents to watch such scenes. Washington acknowledged the potential discomfort and shared that she sometimes thinks about how her parents watch those scenes while watching the show.

The conversation then shifted to education, with Letterman recalling Washington’s previous appearance on the show where she gave a commencement address. Washington mentioned that she gave the address at her alma mater, George Washington University, and thanked Letterman for filling her with fear and dread during her previous appearance. She explained that his intimidation motivated her to work on her speech meticulously.

Washington’s speech had a powerful theme – being the lead character in one’s own life story. She emphasized the importance of not letting others write one’s story and encouraged the graduates to view their graduation as a beginning rather than an ending.

In addition to her acting career, Washington talked about her involvement with the White House’s committee for the Arts and Humanities. As part of her work, she collaborates with a school in Washington, D.C. called Seavoy Elementary, focusing on arts education. Washington shared her excitement about the first lady, Michelle Obama, joining her in a visit to the school, which was a huge thrill for the kids.

The segment concluded with a video clip of Washington dancing with the students at Seavoy Elementary. The dance, known as the Lindy Hop, was taught to Washington by the kids. Letterman jokingly asked Washington about the dance’s origins, suggesting it was named after aviator Charles Lindbergh. However, Washington teased that she wasn’t familiar with the dance’s history and playfully flirted with Letterman.

The conversation ended with Letterman’s surprise that Washington recently got married. She coyly mentioned that she didn’t talk about her personal life, and even though they don’t talk about it, she emphasized that she is happily married. With the interview wrapped up, Washington reminded viewers that the third season of “Scandal” premieres the following night.

Fans of Kerry Washington and “Scandal” can look forward to another thrilling season, as Olivia Pope, Washington’s character, continues to navigate powerful people’s lives in crisis. Don’t miss the season premiere tomorrow night at 10 p.m. on another network.