On a recent episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” things took an unexpected turn when a dispute over a truck between Carson and guest David Letterman became the center of attention.

The show started off on a lighthearted note, with Carson and Letterman engaging in their usual banter. They joked about Julio Iglesias and even discussed the upcoming celebration of the Statue of Liberty’s 100th anniversary. But little did they know that the topic would soon take a serious turn.

It all began when Letterman accused Carson of stealing his truck. According to Letterman, he had left his 1973 Chevrolet pickup truck parked in front of his home, only to discover it missing. He presented video footage showing Carson’s staff removing the truck and bringing it onto the show’s stage.

Carson defended himself, claiming that the truck was parked illegally on county property and had become a public nuisance. He argued that he removed the truck as a solution to the problem.

As the dispute unfolded, Carson and Letterman decided to turn to the esteemed Judge Wapner, known for his role on the popular show “People’s Court,” to settle the matter. Judge Wapner joined the talk show and listened to both sides before delivering his verdict.

After carefully considering the evidence, Judge Wapner ruled in favor of Letterman. He determined that Carson’s removal of the truck was not justified, and as a result, Carson was found liable for damages. The judge ordered Carson to pay Letterman the sum of $24.95.

While the amount may seem trivial to some, the ruling marked a victory for Letterman, who had sought justice for his “stolen” truck. The dispute, which started as a practical joke between two comedians, ended with a legal resolution.

Although tensions ran high during the proceedings, Carson and Letterman maintained their good-natured humor throughout. The dispute over the truck may have become a somber occasion, but it showcased the quick wit and entertaining dynamic between the two talk show hosts.

The episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” featuring this memorable dispute serves as a testament to the unpredictable and lively nature of talk shows. It reminds us that even in the world of entertainment, unexpected twists and turns can occur, resulting in captivating television.