Matthew McConaughey recently made an appearance on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” and it was a chat show moment to remember. McConaughey played a fun game with Ellen, where he had to answer questions with the first thing that came to his mind. From his first celebrity crush to the weirdest thing he has done to make money, McConaughey kept the audience entertained with his quick and hilarious responses.

When asked about his first celebrity crush, McConaughey revealed that it was Diane Lane. And to everyone’s surprise, he had just worked with her again. The actor also shared a funny story about running away from home as a teenager but quickly realized that he didn’t really want to leave. McConaughey’s kids might find it embarrassing, but he loves singing, humming, and dancing anywhere and anytime.

But the highlight of the interview was when McConaughey was asked about enjoying activities naked. After a series of humorous exchanges about showering, swimming, and playing bongos, he mentioned that he enjoys cooking, as long as it doesn’t involve deep frying anything.

McConaughey also talked about his family and revealed that his oldest son, Levi, is a soccer fan and has a beautiful musical mind. Levi’s favorite band is BTS, and for his birthday, the family attended their concert. McConaughey even mentioned that Levi could rap in Korean and knew all the songs.

The interview was filled with laughter and fun, showing McConaughey’s charming and light-hearted personality. Whether it was answering questions about his personal life or sharing hilarious anecdotes, McConaughey kept the audience engaged throughout the segment on “The Ellen Degeneres Show“. It’s clear that McConaughey’s appearance was one of the best moments on the show, leaving fans eagerly waiting for his next interview.