On a recent episode of the talk show hosted by David Letterman, an unexpected moment took place when the Rockettes made a surprise appearance to bring Dave a refreshing drink. As the conversation flowed, Dave mentioned feeling thirsty from all the random phone calls made throughout the show. In response to his comment, a camera was turned on to showcase the soda machine on the seventh floor, giving viewers a glimpse of what was to come.
Daddy Rockette joined Dave on stage and discussed her experience as a Rockette, expressing her love for performing in the Christmas show which runs until January 7th. Playfully bantering with Dave, she seized the opportunity to promote the show, inviting him to attend. The comedic exchange continued as Dave questioned the life of a Rockette, wondering if they used talcum powder due to chafing. Daddy Rockette assured him that they did, although she confessed to not knowing the exact purpose behind it.
The conversation shifted back to the Coke machine located right next to Dave. Daddy Rockette revealed a myriad of beverage options, including Coke Classic, Diet Coke, caffeine-free Diet Coke, Sunkist Orange, Dr Pepper, and Lipton iced tea. This prompted Dave and his friend Barbara, who were feeling quite parched, to request a regular Coke and an orange soda, respectively. Concerned about getting buzzed from caffeine, they decided against the diet options, opting for the regular and caffeine-free alternatives.
With their drink preferences established, Daddy Rockette promised to send the requested beverages right down to them. Expressing his gratitude, Dave wished her luck with the Christmas show before saying his goodbyes. As the Rockettes left the stage, Dave couldn’t contain his excitement, declaring that they now had a show. Notably, the same four Rockettes had repeated appearances, dashing in front of the camera multiple times during this momentous exchange.
The entertainment didn’t stop there, as Dave proceeded to offer a soda to a retired police officer in the audience who had a powerful thirst. Dave then engaged with Hal, the show’s producer, through the soda camera, requesting that a Coke be sent down to the officer. As the episode came to a close, Dave expressed his gratitude to everyone and bid the audience farewell.
This unexpected interaction with the Rockettes and the amusing exchange about soft drinks added an extra layer of excitement to the episode. Fans were treated to a delightful chat show experience, filled with witty banter and unexpected surprises that only David Letterman can deliver. As always, Dave’s ability to turn even the simplest moments into entertaining segments is a testament to his skills as a talk show host.