On a recent episode of David Letterman‘s talk show, the audience was in for a treat as the beloved actor and comedian Bill Murray made an appearance. Murray, known for his quick wit and hilarious antics, brought his special brand of humor to the show and left everyone laughing.

During the segment, Letterman introduced Murray, stating that he would be going outside to talk to New Yorkers about the upcoming presidential election. Murray, always up for a laugh, took on the challenge with enthusiasm.

As Murray ventured outside, he approached an undecided voter named Paul Henderson from Long Island. Murray jokingly asked Henderson if he had trouble making decisions, to which Henderson responded that he was still undecided about who to vote for. Murray, seeing an opportunity for some fun, offered to give Henderson an easy choice – a punch in the stomach or a kick in the butt. Henderson, clearly taken aback, ultimately declined both options.

Undeterred, Murray continued his quest to interview New York City voters. He approached a man named Bob Drisco from East Orange, New Jersey, who confidently stated his support for Bob Dole, the Republican candidate. Murray, always quick on his feet, couldn’t resist poking fun at Drisco’s shoe size when he mentioned that he didn’t have an 11 but had a 12 instead. It was another lighthearted moment that had the audience laughing.

Murray didn’t stop there. He found another voter named Brian Cooper from the Upper West Side who planned to vote for President Clinton. Murray, never one to miss an opportunity, suggested an alternative candidate – Kenny, a former colleague of Murray’s. Murray called Kenny on the spot and asked him to do a little town crier performance for Cooper. Unfortunately, things took a humorous turn when Cooper dismissed the idea and told Kenny to “get lost.” Murray, always quick to diffuse tension, apologized and moved on to the next interview.

Throughout the segment, Murray’s natural charm and comedic timing were on full display. He effortlessly brought laughter to the streets of New York City and reminded everyone that even during a serious topic like elections, humor can find its place.

It was just another example of the brilliant entertainment that talk show host David Letterman and his guests bring to viewers night after night. Whether it’s through celebrities like Murray or engaging in insightful conversations, Letterman always manages to keep the audience entertained.

So, if you missed the episode featuring Bill Murray on David Letterman‘s talk show, be sure to catch the highlights for a good laugh and a reminder that even during the serious business of elections, entertainment is never far away.