In a recent episode of the talk show “Conan O’Brien,” Conan, Sona, and Matt had an unexpected wine tasting experience. The segment began with a discussion about shopping on Amazon during the holiday season, but quickly shifted to Sona‘s main profession as a wine writer. Sona explained that she tastes wine for a living, starting her day as early as 7 or 8 in the morning to ensure her taste buds are fresh. She shared insights into her tasting process, mentioning that she takes notes, sniffs the wine, swirls it around in her mouth, and then spits it out into a spit bucket.

Conan was fascinated by Sona‘s job and posed several questions. He wondered if she ever got tipsy from all the wine tasting, to which Sona admitted that it can be exhausting, especially after a long day of judging in a competition. Conan also asked if Sona could still enjoy a glass of wine when she goes out to a restaurant, considering it’s her job. Sona confessed that after a day of tasting many wines, she usually prefers something refreshing or a clean high that can’t be smelled on her breath.

The conversation took an interesting turn when Conan suggested that Sona could test her wine-tasting abilities by describing different food items. Matt brought out a selection of snacks, including apple chips, fruit snacks, and animal crackers. Sona agreed to give it a try. They handed her the apple chips, and she confidently identified them as having a citrusy tang, reminiscent of a red apple.

Conan, eager to test his own abilities, joined in and grabbed a glass of chardonnay. He described his experience of swirling the wine, sniffing it, and finally tasting it, showcasing his newfound knowledge of wine terminology. Sona praised Conan for doing exceptionally well and encouraged him to think about the wine’s personality traits alongside its flavors and aromas.

The wine tasting segment turned into a light-hearted and educational exchange between Conan, Sona, and Matt. They discussed the importance of the shape of a glass when assessing wine, the technique of swirling, and the significance of “sirly aging” in wine production. Sona shared that this process involves leaving the wine on the yeast’s leaves for an extended period, which gives the wine a creamy texture.

The segment ended with Sona encouraging viewers to pay attention to the length of flavor when assessing a wine’s quality. She advised taking a sip, swallowing, and counting how long the taste lingers to determine if it’s a truly great wine.

Overall, this wine tasting experience provided a unique glimpse into Sona‘s fascinating profession as a wine writer and entertained viewers with Conan and Matt‘s enthusiasm for learning more about the wine tasting process.