In a recent appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” ABC’s Jonathan Karl discussed the potential theme for Donald Trump‘s 2024 campaign. According to Karl, the campaign’s focus would be on retribution and revenge. Karl explained that Trump believes his enemies aren’t coming after him, but rather, they’re targeting his supporters. He sees himself as the obstacle standing in their way.

Karl went on to discuss “Project 2025,” which aims to make plans for the next Trump administration. Part of this project involves personnel, with efforts being made to ensure loyalty to Trump. Axios has even reported that artificial intelligence is being used to screen out those who aren’t deemed sufficiently loyal.

Colbert expressed his concern about Trump’s return to the center stage of the Republican party and daily news. Karl acknowledged that this prospect is chilling, as he simply talks about what people are talking about. He believes that Trump’s presence will undoubtedly dominate news coverage over the next year, potentially leading to chaos, disaster, and even violence.

However, when asked if he could talk Colbert out of his pessimism, Karl expressed some optimism. He has spent time with Trump supporters across the country and has spoken to individuals close to him who continue to support the former president. Karl noted that Trump seems to hope his followers will take his words to heart. Though he may not intend for them to incite violence, Karl mentioned that Trump often fails to grasp the significance of his rhetoric.

Trump has referred to 2024 as the “final battle” and has called for the elimination and annihilation of his enemies. While Karl doesn’t believe Trump necessarily advocates for violence, he acknowledged that such actions would not be entirely unwelcome to the former president.

Despite these concerns, Karl maintains faith in the American people and their ability to stand up for what is right. He believes that the January 6th insurrection could have turned out far worse if not for the individuals who stood up against it. While the road ahead may be challenging, Karl concluded on a note of optimism.

In summary, Jonathan Karl‘s appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” shed light on the potential theme of Trump’s 2024 campaign – retribution and revenge. Karl expressed concerns about the impact this could have on the country, including the potential for chaos and violence. However, he also highlighted the resilience of the American people and their ability to stand up for what is right.