The Ellen Degeneres Show is known for its hilarious and lighthearted interviews and segments, and a recent Thanksgiving-themed episode was no different. The talk show host, Ellen Degeneres, delivered a series of funny jokes and anecdotes about the holiday, leaving the audience in stitches.

Degeneres started off by joking about the true meaning of Thanksgiving, saying, “What says gratitude really better than eating ourselves into a vacant stare? And laying belly up in a La-Z-Boy?” She continued to poke fun at the holiday, highlighting the stress of planning and cooking for Thanksgiving, especially for those who are hosting for the first time.

The comedian reminisced about spending Thanksgiving with friends when she first moved out of her parents’ house. She hilariously described the chaos and lack of preparation that ensued, painting a relatable picture of those early attempts at hosting a holiday meal.

Degeneres also touched upon the stark contrast between a casual Thanksgiving celebration at home versus a more elaborate gathering with family. She amusingly mentioned the array of fancy hand towels in the bathroom that are only used for that special day, joking that they are so stiff they could use 26 washings to become absorbent.

She further emphasized the relatability of Thanksgiving by mentioning how, regardless of age, some people still find themselves sitting at the kids’ table with the nieces and nephews. Degeneres playfully mimicked the lack of stimulating conversation at the kids’ table, jokingly saying, “You’re just, yeah, pee-pee, poo-poo.”

Throughout the episode, Degeneres entertained the audience with her quick wit and comedic timing. She playfully made jokes about her love for food and her lack of cooking skills, and even proposed a toast to the person who invented the elastic waistband.

As Thanksgiving approached, Degeneres reminded viewers to appreciate the food and the people in their lives. She expressed gratitude for the hardworking firefighters, policemen, and ICU nurses who sacrifice their holiday to keep others safe.

The talk show host also shared humorous tips on navigating awkward greetings with extended family and friends during Thanksgiving gatherings. She made light of the varying degrees of hugging and kissing combinations, cautioning viewers to be prepared to avoid potential mishaps.

In true Ellen fashion, the episode was filled with laughter, warmth, and a genuine sense of gratitude. Degeneres effortlessly brought the spirit of Thanksgiving to life, encouraging viewers to enjoy the delicious food, cherish their loved ones, and of course, have a good laugh.

As always, The Ellen Degeneres Show delivered a hilarious and heartwarming episode that left viewers feeling entertained and ready to embrace the holiday season. Whether it’s her jokes, funny anecdotes, or genuine messages of gratitude, Ellen Degeneres continues to captivate audiences and spread joy through her talk show.