Lamorne Morris, known for his role in “New Girl” and now a part of the fifth season of “Fargo,” recently appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” The talk show host expressed his gratitude to Morris for guest hosting the show in the past. The staff of the show seemed to have a deep admiration for Morris, which led Kimmel to joke that they might like him more than they liked him.
Morris spoke about his experience hosting the Oscars next year, potentially as Kimmel’s understudy. He humorously suggested that he could fill in if anything happened to Kimmel, such as getting carried away in a hot air balloon and being killed by a gorilla. Morris shared his plans for Thanksgiving, mentioning that he would be spending it with his family in Chicago. He expressed his excitement about hosting a gathering at his newly purchased family house in the city.
The conversation then turned to Morris’s family traditions, specifically his grandmother’s cooking. He shared fond memories of his grandmother’s recipes, including her famous potato salad, which he admitted not liking. Morris humorously mentioned that his grandmother would ensure that no food was wasted, going as far as checking the trash can to make sure they hadn’t thrown away anything. He playfully recalled occasions where his grandmother would scare them with her belt named Harry, which had a bell on the end.
Moving on to his current projects, Morris mentioned his role in the TV series “Fargo.” He expressed his excitement about working with Jon Hamm and shooting in Calgary. Despite the cold weather and snow, he found Calgary to be a beautiful place. Morris humorously noted the abundance of cowboys in the city, causing him to associate it with a desolate Western setting.
Morris then shared an amusing anecdote about meeting Jon Hamm at a party hosted by Dave Chappelle. He revealed that he had ingested mushrooms, mistaking them for seasoning, and became noticeably high during the event. Sitting next to Hamm, Morris experienced an intense trip and even thought Hamm was trying to drown him with water. As a result, he wandered off into the forest and spent a few hours hanging out by a tree, referring to it as a vision quest.
Despite his quirky experiences, Morris’s appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” showcased his humorous and entertaining personality. Fans can catch Morris in “Fargo” on Tuesday nights on FX. As for his upcoming hosting gig at the Oscars, it’s clear that Morris’s talent and wit will undoubtedly make for a memorable event.